3x365 Russian Words, Days 128&129

I am looking forward to Tuesday when I won’t be as busy I’ve been last three weeks. Again yesterday I passed out very, very early. But on the flip-side, woke up early to first summer day and biked to our allotment garden where a black bird has claimed our apple tree as its own:

“на даче целый день поёт чёрный дрозд”

“At our cabin a black bird sang all day”

“Mökillämme mustarastas lauloi koko päivän”

We know “дрозд” and “чёрный” already but nice words here nevertheless

  1. дача - dacha - datša (kesämökki)

  2. целый - whole, entire - koko

  3. поёт петь - sings, to sing - laulaa
