
Finnish Language

Russian Language





: What is a thing that you know you would be very good at if you had the time to practice?

: Idea for iOS — conditional screen time: the system only let’s you procrastinate after you have …

: Anyone use Airtable to automate memos and press releases, I have a document that is 95% same and the …

: Finally saw Megalopolis. This was an awesome mess, perfect movie for me. I wish there was movies …

: Never done anything with Wordpress, but this drama still makes me uneasy. Can you no longer trust …

: This was a good text on relationships: don’t waste time on people who are not into you …

: It is 5 years since I left Twitter and 5 years since I joined micro.blog. There are many excellent …

: Started reading: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien 📚. The book I love the most. Re-read number I don’t …

: Currently reading: A History of Roman Britain by Peter Salway 📚

: Finished reading: The Anglo-Saxons by Marc Morris 📚

: Video formats and codecs are about as painful for a programmer as time zones are.

: Finished reading: Translation State by Ann Leckie 📚 Such a lovely book about Presger translators and …

: Currently reading: The Anglo-Saxons by Marc Morris 📚

: Finished reading: The Dark Tower I by Stephen King 📚. Something I already finished on my holiday. I …

: Hi micro.blog, long time no see! Trying to reactivate. How is everyone here?

: I’ve been so happy with Airpods Pro noise cancellation before I started using WH-1000s. With big …

: Currently reading: Translation State by Ann Leckie 📚

: Finished reading: Provenance by Ann Leckie 📚. Finally finished this. This is not quite Raadchai …

: This is called ”takatalvi” in Finnish. There was no snow here last week and now 😳 Video alt: I am …

: I am ”ah, large text, amazing” years old

: My to read list manifested itself physically

: Assumption that everyone knows how to use computer is wrong. Just a reminder to myself. Taking …

: I have really started liking ”connections” the NYT game. Very good vocabulary exercise for a …

: How do I express ”no value set” with HTML slider? Is there a recommended way to show the difference …

: That moment of pleasure mixed with horror when you find out that that hot sauce you bought is indeed …

: Currently reading: Provenance by Ann Leckie 📚 I didn’t even know there were more Radch books! …

: Finished reading: Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie 📚

: I have a system that is Django and static HTML with some sprinklings of Javascript, no build tools …

: I think I’ve read Lord of the Rings like almost ten times but not in years. I feel that re-read is …

: ”Apple, like most religions, don’t pay taxes”, genuine laugh out lod moment from Macbreak Weekly …

: Finished reading: Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie 📚

: I first tried to ignore whole British royalty related scandal, then I tried to read what was it all …

: Is there a song or a poem with a line like this: “Question I am asking 1am: would love exceed …

: Fact-checked the newspaper. Winter has indeed come back

: How do you see Twitter’s endgame? Will it end up like Yahoo!/Tumblr being sold multiple times …

: Weirdly niche question: why does the audiobook reader of Ann Leckie’s Ancillary serier read …

: Currently reading: Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie 📚

: Finished reading: Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie 📚. Re-read. Still excellent

: Happy international women’s day everyone!

: This handsome little boy turned 50 today!

: If they named a law after you, what would the law cover?

: Dune II 🎥 Saw Dune II. Yes, much better than part one. Noisy, glorious, magical, Zendaya is perfect as always. …

: Dyson Wash+Dry hand-dryer faucet is the stupidest invention ever. I can’t imagine anything coming …

: Solar activity: great chance to observe aurora tonight Finnish weather: Sure, Jan.

: My number one Apple product wish is that they would licence out tech for touch id. I wish I could …

: I needed to add a mouse to my Mac Studio setup (as Renoise acts weirdly with trackpad) and to my …

: Are there really good stick letter fonts out there? Free or paid

: This was a beautiful piece on abandoned churches The story of every abandoned church is different, …

: How do I add missing books to epilogue app?

: I’ve been down with the sickness (I am in the second ooh-ah-ah-ah-ah right now). Have watched one …

: I lost the extra day with 🤧🤒. I am happy this is the first proper one this winter

: Is there an era adjusted ranking of Formula 1 drivers somewhere (I found one in Reddit but it only …

: One of my pet peeves: substituting Russian ”Я” for ”R” in anything vaguely related to Russia

: Currently reading: Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie 📚 re-read starting. I Think I am 2/3 on the …

: Finished reading: To Be Taught, If Fortunate by BECKY. CHAMBERS 📚 Re-read complete, still one of my …

: I am planning to write a self interview for my 50th birthday (photos, audio clip and the whole …

: I play the role of chatGPT for my kids when they need to write a serious email

: I am two weeks away from 50 and I’ve been like ”this the best age, no crises” Today I got a letter …

: From Bluesky user @courtneymilan.com a couple of short stories that were removed from Hugo …

: Currently reading: To Be Taught, If Fortunate by BECKY. CHAMBERS 📚. Re-read, as this is my favourite …

: Finished reading: The Galaxy, and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers 📚. Again, cozy, nothing much …

: Imagine you were a time-traveller from the future trying to acquaint yourself with the culture of …

: Listening to Windows Weekly podcast and learning that you are supposed to pronounce ”sudo” su-due …

: I woke up at half-time and now considering the first cup of coffee today

: If you thought Finland’s last year’s Eurovison contestant Käärijä was weird, just wait till you hear …

: Comprehensive look at risks related to self-driving cars (and other kinds of AI): While a language …

: Wordle 964 X/6 ⬜⬜🟩⬜🟩 ⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩 ⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩 ⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬜🟩 This is annoying 😒

: I am still reading The Galaxy, and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers 📚. There is an extremely …

: I am a sucker for cold opens where the protagonist wakes up or comes to and the world has completely …

: Linkedin 🤝 postmodern poetry Only enjoyable in very small doses

: It is 0 days since I last used ”Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue” in a work …

: Best thing about my home: sunsets

: There are those ”pet me”-vests for dogs. I wish there was equivalent human version. Yes, your dog is …

: Sunday morning paper stats about Finnish alcohol consumption. Big changes in last two decades and …

: Thinking of how blunt medication still is. I mean, I have an infected cut in my foot and I need to …

: I know surprisingly lot about public transportation systems and sewers just for writing related …

: One of my modern fears: that my stupid 💩 jokes end up in a wrong Whatsapp chat

: Currently reading: The Galaxy, and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers 📚

: Finished reading: Record of a Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers 📚 Third book. Even more character …

: And there will be no excuses for PWA advocates any more. Make them shine

: While something we should have had for ages now, different browser engines on iOS will lead to …

: Wow, EU App Store rules Apple Details How It Plans to Comply with the EU’s Digital Markets Act …

: Ok, bracing for slippery and wet weather. Heading out to vote for our next president.

: I am a bit sad that music video as a art form went away. Especially the 80’s, early 90’s is the best …

: Why is spiking not an intentional grounding in 🏈? When does a spike turn into one?

: What would you call these?

: Not sure if classic Finnish design or just some supercooled water freezing on my living room window

: As I often repeat, I am not a winter person at all but this winter is making its best to change my …

: Winter sun

: Went out for a walk with snow shoes. -5°C, snowing all day. At least 30cm/a foot of fresh, soft snow …

: Occassionally, I remember 2022 Superbowl half-time show and go watch/listen to it through. Perfect …

: Currently reading: Music Theory For Dummies by Michael Pilhofer 📚 freshening up on music theory.

: Person that is a fair bit wealthier than I am asked for advice about a thing. I provided her with a …

: Is there a standard (actual or de facto) that says how a login endpoint of a web service should …

: I’ve been hoping for a web based application to replace a process of paying hourly salaries …

: Espoo/Helsinki, -17°C, no wind, 90 minutes of walking with snow shoes.

: There are two correct answers to question: what is the best era of popular music? Firstly, right …

: Currently reading: Record of a Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers 📚

: Finished reading: A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers 📚. First one of the year. At first I …

: Pretty sure Zeno’s paradox was invented watching the Finnish Railways getting late on a cold day

: I wish there was opera gloves but for winter. Perfect underlayer for thick mittens. Add touch screen …

: I’ve hit the gym every day this year 💪. At this rate, I’ll be there 366 times this year

: So, if they revived Walt Disney this year, would Steamboat Willie go back to being copyrighted? I …

: Helsinki/Espoo, December 31st 2023. -15°C, photos, video of looking between some snowy trees over a …

: Given the collapse of quality of internet search one of the things documentation pages for any tech …

: I am not a big fan of Toto 🎸🎶 but the soundtrack for the movie Dune is one perfect album

: Another enshittified thing: searching for books on a topic. 💩☹️. How does one find, say, the best …

: Finished reading: The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers 📚. If your comfort zone …

: Finished reading: Tales from Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚. Fifth installment of the Earthsea …

: Currently reading: A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers 📚

: Would it be possible to use VPN to trick dynamic ad insertion? Set country to some place I don’t …

: Seeing the metro car practically empty made me think if I checked the calendar wrong and it is still …

: Boxing day can only mean one thing: going through the expenses!

: Currently reading: The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers 📚

: I find it fascinating that somehow rick-rolling ended up filling the same internet culture niche as …

: Who are the people you thought highly of before they ruined it all? I am personally regretting not …

: Could anyone recommend me a book on SQL? My preferred dialects are Postgres and BigQuery but I’d …

: I’ve been listening Taylor Swift’s Reputation album lately and it is much better than I remembered. …

: Sorry, some mild cursing, but my question is: are ”shit” and ”sheet” homonyms?

: I got a sudden urge to play Nethack

: I thinnk value of federated Threads for me will come for following the select few big names (for me …

: Ugh, I didn’t know how much I didn’t miss overly familiar brands casually joking before threads …

: Sad part of the Google messaging product mess is that even after all the misdirections, brand …

: I think there doesn’t have to be a new Twitter at all but Threads will have the best chance to …

: Tomorrow is Threads day in EU. I think I will move my Finnish language ephemeral posts there, keep …

: I like the old-fashioned paper and scissors photoshopping but I almost certain Taylor would have …

: Can someone explain me a 🏈 thing? Yesterday, Baltimore Ravens snapped a ball too early, Lamar …

: I think I will start randomly answering people: ”I’m afraid I cannot fulfill that request, as …

: It is funny how it wen’t from ”we don’t think Apple can shut us down” to ”Apple shut us down” in …

: My phone now aggressively turns on ”Work” focus all the time and this is how latter part of 2023 …

: We’ve hit latter half of season 3 of Game of Thrones in my rewatch and my girlfriend’s first watch. …

: Name an unequivocally awesome piece of software, you can value it only as feat of engineering and …

: Sounds of winter: walking on frozen, snow covered duckboards

: Helsinki, December 3rd 2023. -10°C

: Currently reading: Tales from Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚

: I love things like Gävlebocken or Gävle goat that expose two sets of rules for the same thing: on …

: Read Elolliset by Iida Turpeinen 📚 Read Elolliset by Iida Turpeinen 📚 (sadly this amazing book is just in Finnish for now). No point …

: I am 100% sure Chromecasts used to be extremely reliable and now, well, less so

: I see that ”$0.003 per stream” number. Given you had the power to change it, what would the number …

: The conspiracy I am willing to believe is that an actually smart friend of space-Karen manipulated …

: Do wolves get upset about weather like some (many?) dogs do?

: Weather forecast says ”flurries” and I started yearning for a McFlurry 🤤

: Interesting. Train car I am sitting in lost electricity and it felt like it was completely dark …

: Confession of a hater: there is no upside to -13 centigrade mornings. I am dreaming of hot summer …

: When Software Security Meets the Real Users Oh, this text on how medical professionals need to fight bad information systems, especially …

: Started reading: Elolliset by Iida Turpeinen. This is one of the Finnish books of the year. Very …

: What is the database behind the Epilogue app? Seems that my next book is not there at all, and I’d …

: Finished reading: Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman 📚. Not the best Gaiman, but a couple of …

: Listening to Serial four part miniseries ”The Kids of Rutherford County” and needed to pause after …

: I got to touch Android development after several years. A) this Kotlin thing looks tempting, B) …

: I don’t think company that can lose most of its employees overnight is really worth $30 billion

: Happy international mens’ day everyone!

: Ad blockers should have, ”just never visit this site again” button handy for those sites that start …

: Finally got a Bluesky invite and jury is out deliberating if I want it to be part of my ”syndicate …

: I am now old enough to know why old people sneeze so loudly. I am afraid I’ll strain or break …

: If I wanted an ugly Christmas sweater that was not fast fashion, where would I look for it?

: It probably tells more about my speaker setup but best speakers in my house are inside the macbook …

: This from @baldur has so many quotable paragaphs Of course, my line is that web dev isn’t unique in …

: Finnish musician Esa Kotilainen passed away in the age of 77 Suomalaisen musiikin edelläkävijä Esa …

: What are the other professions in other industries that are the most similar to software …

: Watching Victor Wembanyama play 🏀 is really something. To quote my brother: ”it looks like he is …

: I am calling it now: Tottenham is going to win a trophy in season 2023-2024 season and Bayern …

: Time in daylight: 1 minute. Thanks Apple Watch, it is November 1st in Finland. That is all we have

: What would be the best way of getting calendar events of the day as text like this? 10:00 staff …

: TBF, I think one can’t ignore LLMs. I think they work very well already as Stack Overflow …

: Before LLMs I may have half-assed something in two hours, now I can half-ass things in fifteen …

: Mornings are getting crisp. It is -1°C and it is almost eleven am.

: I was thinking today about if I need to have tech giant free option for my tech life and then it …

: The Twitter video calling re-surfaced a memory from way back when a startup I had friends at …

: I think year 2023 was the year I started to RTFM, because search engine indice became so polluted …

: The most beginner level Chinese language test HSK 1 contains 100 words, one of which is …

: Listening to Cosmic Wolves by @hollyhoneychurch Will go to my work concentration playlist along with …

: Uselessness of big brand search engines frustrating me today. Trying to figure out why Postgresql …

: I wonder what happened to Mike Duncan’s new history podcast. It was teased in December and never …

: Another one of these studies that pretty plainly state that cancer screenings don’t really extend …

: I’ve been listening to this instrumental album today Nekorok by Finnish instrumental rock band …

: Been rewatching Game of Thrones from the beginning with my gf who had no previous exposure to world …

: I sometimes look at something very practical like transparent plastic storage boxes and think that …

: This must be the most unhinged end of the football ⚽️match I’ve seen in a while red cards for both …

: Did, did my kids somehow inflitrate some national day naming committee or break Google search index?

: This egret was my lunch time date. Alt-text for video: video of view point of a walking person …

: My favourite form of critique is movie reviews done by a serious movie critic but that are about …

: Apparently Taylor Swift is a thing bigger than NFL

: I wanted to write this myself one day but now I can just refer to this: Phone call etiquette: Rules …

: Watching 🏈 Dolphins at Bills and it is like when I play Madden, seems like defence teams are having …

: Now that Finnish radio advertisers have found podcast advertising, I can’t listen to podcasts with …

: I got two wisdom teeth pulled out yesterday and I haven’t slept this well in ages. Whatever they …

: On the other news, they are going to remove my wisdom tooth on Wednesday ☹️🤕🦷

: Also, my amazing girlfriend has a puppy. I am very about my life right now.

: Sometimes you code for months with not much to show and then you improve the efficiency of company …

: Currently reading: Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman 📚

: I liked this 📸 from Thursday that I took before the UEFA conference league match between HJK …

: Finished reading: Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman 📚 This is a fun, quick read that retells the …

: I was yesterday’s years old when I learned about A, B, and C options of grep that show lines after, …

: Another sure way of dividing people into young and old: sharing a picture of an e-scooter. Old …

: An NHL coach was let go for investigating his players’ phones. He asked players in 121 meeetings to …

: Spent some time today (again) airplane spotting on a hill near Helsinki airport Alt-text for video: …

: I am the most well-behaving, rule-obeying middle-aged man ever to middle-age, but I can imagine …

: Currently reading: Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman 📚

: Finished reading: Tehanu by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚 fourth installment of the Earthsea series. Le Guin …

: Finished reading: Your Code as a Crime Scene by Adam Tornhill 📚 I read the upcoming second edition …

: I was late with tickets, so watching ⚽️ UEFA 2024 qualifying match Finland 🇫🇮 - Denmark 🇩🇰 on 📺. Too …

: Doing the ”you’ll thank me later”-parts of parenting is a thankless job

: Is there a catergory of foods that includes tortillas and pancakes? Is there a family tree of foods …

: I was told today that Lion King is Hamlet and I no longer trust my abilities to understand and …

: I am going to get root canal some day soon. I realized I don’t exactly know what that means and I am …

: What is the name of the directory that contains the directories containing the source code of …

: HJK the reigning Finnish ⚽️ champion is testing out dynamic pricing for the last three Finnish …

: ”Although the setting offers little practical benefit, it’s sometimes required by security …

: Any fellow red-green colour blind people that could recommend me good oh my zsh/iTerm config that …

: I’ve been lately thinking to start a recipes’ page in the style of mf’ing Website. I wonder if one …

: Wait, Wheel of Time season 2 has started and I’ve not seen a single mention of it anywhere?

: Things that should exist: fund that gave developers money to port JVM based open source tools to Go …

: ”If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.” …

: Browsing the Britbox catalogue and it seems there is ”beloved British (male) actor solves a new …

: I get irrationally angry whenever something that looks like a promising blog post turns out to be a …

: Genuine food innovation: sour cream that tastes like sour cream 🤤

: There are amazing photos from yesterday’s basketball match between Finland and Japan. If you ever …

: Are there books about asking questions? Like systematic approaches on how to ask good questions in …

: I really like the new Premier league graphics. Hints of skeumorphism getting back into fashion with …

: Betteridge’s law of headline states that if headline ends in a question mark, the answer is no. I …

: My new gf saw me rant about quality of Finnish workmanship and now knows that I am not (only) that …

: I got an assignment to go through the architecture of a large system and I remembered this blog post …

: Mental note: you need to install ‘libsqlite3-dev’ before installing Python (if doing it …

: I wonder how X is going to implement the removal of block feature: A) remove blocks, blocked users …

: Solaris, 1972 🎞️📽️ Saw also Solaris, the 1972 film 🎞️📽️ (though through a streaming service). Yes, beautiful and slow, …

: There was an Finnish-American actor Olli Haaskivi - Wikipedia in Oppenheimer. I was wondering if it …

: Computers are better at solving CAPTCHAS than people are [2307.12108] An Empirical Study & …

: Finished reading: Solaris by Stanislaw Lem 📚. Finnish streamer YLE areena has the 1972 Soviet movie …

: Short introduction to cursing in Finnish byStrong Language blog

: Moment I’ve been fearing/waiting happened: Visual Studio Code couldn’t keep up with a big project …

: Yesterday I saw the Weeknd play in Tallinn, Estonia. Some views from there

: Currently reading: Rósa & Björk by Satu Rämö 📚

: Currently reading: Tehanu by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚

: How do you say ”roll eyes” in Swedish? Or Norwegian or any closely related language?

: I sometimes get called to coach a (kids’) football ⚽️ game. My record for year 2023 is two games, …

: How is that printers are universally possessed by poltergeists and demons?

: Football saga of the season continues: Kí Klaksvík beat Norwegian champion Molde in the first leg of …

: One more question about Star Trek. Are there books in this universe that are considered good and …

: What would be the latest understanding on setting up Python environments on *nix systems. What is it …

: I wonder if there are images of Geordi la Forge’s visor (like on its own, not on LeVar …

: Weirdly, there had been multiple ghost encounter stories floating around me lately and by people I …

: Week in review My week in seven quick doodles. It was rainy for the most of week, so I drew something I saw from my …

: I get funny spam from academiadotedu where they claim I was mentioned in an academic paper. Turns …

: This is extremely cool. I’d like to have one. Haptic compass belt 🧭

: Where do the (European) swallows go when it rains?

: Is the HTML dialog element safe to use already? Can I use looks pretty green to me Dialog element | …

: Considering how search engines punish for it, I can’t believe the number of pages with …

: After the last two adult world cups one might ask why Germany always underachieves in ⚽️? If this …

: I think world needs Vercel/Netlify equivalent for building up good old MPAs with Node.js, Django, …

: Thing about an everything app like WeChat is that it is also an everyone app. Losing users …

: “When working with a REST endpoint, you may need to set request headers for authorization …

: Klaksvík, a football team from Färöarna already beat Hungarian champions in Champions League and now …

: It might also be convenient to write an example app without authentication and authorization, but it …

: What is the name of this notion/idea: “everything you add to a project will be a recurring …

: I’ve said it before but celebrating a penalty kick shows poor taste. I think anyone doing that …

: Annoyingly common pattern in AWS documentation: “create an IAM account to avoid …

: ⚽️ USA - Sweden will be interesting, but still rooting for late goal for Portugal

: I wish there was a keyboard layout that had the big “Enter/Return” key (of e.g. …

: Related: this bodycam footage of Youri Thielemans playing against Newcastle is amazing. The pace of …

: Mission: you need to play a normal person in a professional sport. You can select the sport and …

: Need inspiration to pick up my next book. Sci-fi or fantasy, preferably less than 10 years old

: Finished reading: Hildur by Satu Rämö 📚. I am not a detective story person, and mostly picked this …

: Imagine having a brand that gets mentioned as equal with wi-fi and electricity. Not a business …

: I still can’t believe ”Sugar’s daddy Ken” used to be a real thing. Mattel must have known exactly …

: Saw 📽️ Barbie today. Excellent, self-conscious movie. For some reason it reminded me of Super Mario …

: My kid having their first ”oh, they really take taxes out of my salary” realization 😅❤️🥰

: I feel that media never stopped disrespecting Shuhada Shadaqat. They can’t even remember them by …

: My personal egret came really close today Video alt-text: an egret slowly pacing around in grass by …

: It feels so weird to hear Americans podcasters talk about checks and FedNow. Welcome to the 70’s. …

: Pretty sure that is a serif font and not ”Lato”

: Finished reading: A Practical Guide to Conquering the World by K. J. Parker 📚. This one was the …

: I am baffled by the need to be the next Twitter. Twitter even before Musk was having trouble …

: TIL: ”Commando” and ”First Blood: Part II” came out on a same weekend. Ultimate 80’s kid movie combo

: Why is it ”Barbenheimer” and not ”Orbie”? Catching up on the one with the bomb today. If I have …

: I wonder if there is public data available about emoji usage by age.

: What is the difference between ”snow at the beach” and ”snow on the beach”?

: When accessibility is an afterthought

: Currently reading: Hildur by Satu Rämö 📚I rarely pick up a detective story and even more rarely a …

: Finished reading: Suon villi laulu by Delia Owens 📚 I can see why this book is so popular. …

: I have always wanted to go to a concert at Wembley. And now I have tickets to Taylor Swift concert …

: Currently reading: Suon villi laulu by Delia Owens 📚 Picked up the Finnish translation of ”Where the …

: Finished reading 🎧: “You Just Need to Lose Weight” by Aubrey Gordon 📚 More serious, footnoted …

: Horror story: forgot my kindle home and now my holiday reading needs to come from this rack

: This is so cool: Rebellious birds make nests out of anti-bird pins

: Question to English language speakers: Is sun tan lotion ”cosmetics”? What counts as cosmetics?

: Can I force iPhone to use a certain of its cameras? I am trying to take a picture through a pipe and …

: I am not saying that it was a bad day, but it was a surprise dentist day 🤕. How is your Monday?

: Turns out I’ve always read ”Audubon” wrong.

: Thing that is even worse than a popular walled garden - inept clone of a successful one. Please …

: One consequence of LLM driven development is that world will see a whole lot more half-arsed …

: I am not saying that kids’ football (⚽️) is stressful or that all football related software is …

: Kelsey Grammer was 49 during the last season of Frasier. Just a minute, I need to lay down for a …

: I think about that one Linkedin post raving about Musk’s actions on Twitter a month after he started …

: As a kid I thought double-edged sword was akin to a guitar with two necks and I was bound for …

: I think we are closing to a phase where apologists will start to claim that Twitter was …

: Also: I love ST:TNG. Probably more than any other series ever. It might not be the best series ever …

: With Pluto TV I have watched ST:TNG. There is something special about low friction of a, I wonder …

: Tell me that this gym used to be a server room without telling me it used to be a server room

: Pretty cool sunset yesterday.

: Bird theme continued: I typoed ”terns of service”. Now that would be awesome

: I think I saw egrets for the first time in 2021 and now I see one almost daily in Espoo near where I …

: I must say that I agree with @manton w/re Manton Reece - Let’s welcome Meta, not block them. I …

: MLS ⚽️ got a whole lot more interesting with Teemu Pukki moving to Minnesota. Season pass price is …

: I predict that tethered plastic caps on plastic bottles sticking to your face is the next commonly …

: This is a rather specific question: if you lie down on the floor on your back, does the back of your …

: I wonder if there are high-volume web pages that handle live event traffic by pushing a new static …

: And to be clear: you do you as long as it is free consenting adults

: I am 100% sure there is a sub-genre of journalism consisting of stories that were only written …

: Ok, 2024, could you please give us boring, completely precedented events all year long? While it was …

: Thing that I learned from ”History of Rome” podcast: always pay the mercenaries. Turns out that is …

: Today ⚽️ at Helsinki Olympic🏟️: 🇫🇮 vs. 🇸🇲. The Finnish national team is on an upward swing and they …

: Linux errors on information displays give a warm, fuzzy feeling for some reason

: Data and emotions In Star Trek the Next Generation they spend a lot of time talking about Data’s inability to feel …

: Finnish football association has the best marketing videos for …

: Happy Bloomsday for all those who celebrate

: Let’s say that US president had a chess.com account and they had extremely short temper. Would it be …

: ST:TNG First season Patrick Stewart being younger than me is something I have hard time coping with

: I hope I can play as Spot in the upcoming Spider-man game

: Pluto TV arrived in Finland and now I could watch Star Trek:TNG or Frasier non-stop 24/7. …

: Interesting tidbit about Second Life > that Second Life has higher revenues-per-user than YouTube …

: I have had an extra effective rest day today with two naps in the sun. A full hat-trick today?

: The moment that sold me AR was the small bit in the WWDC Vision PRO video with basketball game as a …

: I am happy to see the Apple journal. Journalling is something is I aspire to do and this kind of …

: Saw “Across the Spider-Verse” the second time and I think I can now confidently say that …

: Just had a discussion with someone about how lucky our generation is that there are no digital …

: 🎞️📽️🎥 Spider-man: Across the Spider-verse. Perhaps 20 minutes too long but emotionally and …

: Random sqlite appreciation post. So convenient to pass around 500k lines of data in queryable format …

: 🎞️ re-watching Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse. I love this movie, sound track, style, …

: Thing I am 100% willing to regulate from the orbit is movie ads. No way it is ok to sell my time to …

: …followed by the “most expensive single game” in sports: EFL Championship …

: What an end to the Bundesliga season 😱

: What is a good/recommended way to openly host a relatively small (100-400MB) open dataset? Don’t …

: Another top 1 in Google search that is either ChatGPT generated garbage or just translated garbage. …

: Checked a Twitter thread on a relatively mild topic. Tailend of the replies were downright horrible. …

: TIL a new Finnish word lintuniisikangas

: Dynamic ad insertion in podcasts means that I have had to drop some popular podcasts from my …

: Happy May 17th to our best neighbour 🇳🇴

: Currently reading: A Practical Guide to Conquering the World by K. J. Parker 📚

: I sometimes suddenly remember that I am 49 years old and think that I am too young to be this old.

: Two weeks to ”Across to Spider-verse”. Squee!

: Apologies to Sweden and Finland, but the greatest performance in the final was “Never Walk …

: My current favourite Linkedin trope is posting your own business deepity as an image with comment: …

: So, who is you Eurovision song contest favourite this year?

: I was embarrassingly old before I learned it is beef-eater and not bee-feater

: Occasionally I wonder why I never get furniture from anywhere else than IKEA nowadays. Then you try …

: And in other news I subscribed to a newspaper, like one on actual paper first time in ten years. …

: The movie I expect the most this year is the next chapter in Miles Morales’ story …

: 📽️ Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 Saw 📽️ Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 today. I have mostly not enjoyed the phase four of the MCU and …

: One of my favourite things in the world: unit test failing locally but the same test passes in CI. …

: Every time I see a teenage kid sporting a Nirvana shirt I get an urge to tell them I’ve seen them …

: Event ad: ”Meet thought-leaders of Metaverse in Tampere”. No

: Finished reading: Introducing Continental Philosophy by Christopher Kul-Want 📚. Fun little book with …

: What is the oldest podcast you are still listening to? I think I started with Critical Path by …

: Finished reading: Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick 📚. A classic sci-fi book …

: Had my first energy drink of the year after the first cup of coffee earlier this week. Ew, this …

: Three million viewers I’ve seen this number floating around this a week a lot ”had upto three million daily viewers”. …

: Maybe it is the coffee but got wordle on second guess today. Not very common for me

: Also, today, had my first cup of coffee this year. Going back to not drinking coffee. It was fine, …

: Saw Manchester and as always the best part of going to Britain is visiting bookstores. I could just …

: 🎞️ Saw Aftersun and it is one of the better movies I’ve seen in years. Absolutely stunningly …

: TIL what ”sisilisko” is in English (viviparous lizard)(for real?) and in Swedish ”skogsödla”. I like …

: Let’s say that you were trying to detect whether you were chatting with a human or LLM, what would …

: Currently reading: Introducing Continental Philosophy by Christopher Kul-Want 📚

: Currently reading: Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick 📚

: Finished reading: Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell 📚. Solid intertwined timelines story that I will …

: That nervous moment before a flight when you stop believing in object permanence and check that your …

: Nothing makes me feel older than to listen to young people talk about the music of 90’s and …

: 📽️🍄 Saw The Super Mario Bros movie and it was very good. I’d consider Lego Movie and Wreck-it Ralph …

: First proper signs of Spring

: This hare has a pretty good camouflage. Also: it is extremely gray out there right now

: My phone book is 25% kids’ football, 25% old Tinder/Bumble matches from over the last year, 25% …

: Today is the 74th birthday of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and also the day Finland joins …

: I think 2023 is the year we need to give up on reading email and using Google search. SEO bombing …

: I have barely two months of Golang under my belt and I thought it would be fun to try to call code …

: I’ve had a customer issued Macbook Pro 16” and I have to say that I don’t this …

: In Finnish these things are called “heippalappu”. This one of the best I’ve ever …

: My favourite way to troll my Android carrying brother is to insistently claim Apple invented …

: Apple Music Classical day 🎼. Opera might not be the best music for coding but enjoying Luciano …

: Naming is a hard problem There is this saying that computer science has only two hard problems, naming and cache invalidation …

: Plenty of fresh snow on March 26th and might get more Monday and Tuesday. I was ready to start the …

: Many ways chess.com is what we imagined information superhighway to be back in the 80’s. Imagine …

: Was this notification sent by the harmful asteroid themselves?

: I am not much of a True Crime person as I am pretty sensitive to descriptions of violence, but I …

: Interesting history of Has Anyone Ever Actually Tied a Damsel in Distress to a Railway Track? turns …

: Currently reading: Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell 📚

: Finished reading: Pompeii by Robert Harris 📚. I am a sucker for stories where engineer is the main …

: New toy arrived. Was thinking of getting Kobo, but maybe the next time…

: There is something extremely funny/sad about a new story about an online scam that has a clickbait …

: ”Here is a piece of advice for you, my friend: there’s no safer investment than property in …

: Today I learned that showing the middle finger gesture was used by Ancient Greeks and also Romans. …

: TIL about Hydraulic telegraph - Wikipedia Pretty cool for 400AD

: My kryptonite is stories about loneliness, reading a story about lonely Finnish high schoolers and I …

: Also, what is there to do in Manchester (🇬🇧)? I will be there for a weekend in April

: Lately, I have been wondering if it would be possible to effectively compete with bloated web …

: I’ve thought about writing about dating in your late fourties but not sure about what kind of …

: What is the worst application software you need to use daily, and why did you say ”Microsoft Teams”?

: Amazing email pattern that should be much more common: ”Questions? Simply reply to this email.” Not: …

: I looked at my bookshelf and found Ursula K. Le Guin book that I’ve not read yet (Lathe of …

: Currently reading: Pompeii by Robert Harris 📚

: Holy what Liverpool FC - Manchester United

: Personally, I think Epilogue is the hidden gem of the micro.blog. Pretty sure I will eventually stop …

: I need book inspiration, recommend me a good, new sci-fi or fantasy book.

: Finished reading: Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel 📚. I am happy I read it now and during the …

: Not sure I’ve come across this before but if you need to parse out a C function declaration in your …

: Finnish entry to Eurovision song contest 2023 was picked yesterday (slightly NSFW video):

: Currently reading: Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel 📚. And now we are here, first the 📚 then …

: Seriously considering going to CSS Day 2023, 8th & 9th of June, Amsterdam. Haven’t been to a …

: Finished reading: The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel 📚. Another ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️book. Story of a …

: I wonder if ”AI” generated version of person’s own voice would be helpful in learning new languages. …

: ”Note: A volume discount of $0.25/year was applied to renewals because you have 10-24 domains in …

: Having a beer in my local and opened up Hover. Pretty sure I’ll end up buying a domain

: Why don’t commentators ever tell us who designed the clothes football coaches are wearing?

: I am extremely happy I found a really good doctor for my iritis. Finding a good eye doctor that can …

: Currently reading: The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel 📚. Might not be reading these in correct …

: Finished reading: Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel 📚. What an amazing book, hard to talk …

: First fountain pens and now mechanical keyboards. All of a sudden I am drooling over a mechanical …

: I don’t know if it is my age or some more direct signal or just random noise but my spam folder has …

: Speaking of RSS, I dislike the way many sites nowadays make it hard to figure out their RSS feed …

: What is the most low friction way to publish a series of small texts as RSS (or Atom) feed? Is there …

: This ad made me chuckle.

: Currently reading: Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel 📚. After the Expanse shorty, going to …

: The scandal of the week in Finland is a finance minister sharing a meme mocking the prime minister …

: Finished reading: The Sins of Our Fathers by James S. A. Corey 📚. The last novella from the Expanse …

: 📚📺 Finally enough time has passed, that I consider reading and watching ”Station Eleven”. Just a …

: Finished reading: 11/22/63 by Stephen King 📚. Solid 4/5 from me. What I liked: the set up of the …

: This Conway’s law take made me chuckle: “As the adage goes, ‘you ship your org chart,’” said …

: Can I get replies to a Mastodon post as a RSS feed?

: Is there a way to resurface Apple Family sharing app requests if the notification goes away or does …

: What video sums up what the world looked like on the year you were born in? My brother sent me this …

: Pretty sure the 2023 edition of this old CIA sabotage manual contains only one sentence: ”Adopt …

: Weirdest recruitment spam ”update: sorry the project was cancelled” from a person I’ve never been in …

: Speed for who? - Andy Bell I personally think developer experience is one of the least important …

: To my count it is my 34th day without coffee and energy drinks. Do I feel different? Not sure, but I …

: I kind of miss the music video era. That or I miss being young

: Is Oasis’ “Don’t Look Back in Anger” a reference to David Bowie’s …

: 📚 Started reading 11/22/63 by Stephen King and I am already very much in love with it after 25%. I …

: I recently read through Uncanny Magazine Issue Forty-Eight - Uncanny Magazine and I must say this …

: This post covers well how cool Tove Jansson was I Long to Read More in the Book of You: Moomins …

: Today I wrote my first lines of Go programming language professionally. Some very cool parts but …

: Unsurprising 🎞️ review for Avatar the Way of the Water: impressive to look at but not very …

: I’ve had probably the busiest two weeks of my social life ever. I must’ve met more people (friends, …

: Does anyone else remember the Kenny Everett show from the early 80’s? I wonder how that show was …

: New project start today. Before that needed to get some (unrelated) blood tests done. I did a good …

: Completed 📺 season 1 of ”For All Mankind”. Was not prepared to handle the episodes 9 and 10 …

: As long as you dress up properly, -10°C gives you an opportunity to walk through a magical forest

: -10°C but I guess the walk out there will be worth it

: I have even watched some 📺 today. Started ”For all mankind” from the beginning. 5/5 for me, space …

: One can tell that today was the true first working day for many this year. So many contacts today …

: These two pics were taken yesterday morning around 7am and today at 5:20am or so. I like how this …

: Maybe I’ll just declare 2023 a year of the naps. I have had seven so far this year, and it is …

: My GENUARY 2023 – entry for day 3 prompt “Glitch” is ready. The writeup is at Genuary …

: For year 2023 I promised myself to drop of coffee and energy drinks. Ugh, right now it feels like a …

: Between napping, I also did try to contribute to #genuary, here are my entries for day 1 prompt …

: Extrememy lazy start to a new year, late dinner last night, prosecco and wine taking its toll on my …

: I’ve been pen curious for long. I’ve listened to Pen addict podcast for a couple of years now …

: Solid lunch was direly needed after walking in this weather

: What does your lunch plate look like? Mine today was a bit fancier than usual with potato, pickled …

: I bought myself omg.lol address, what were all the things I could do with this? Looks fun like the …

: I wish everyone named their PDF-files like …

: Sunrise over Aulanko in Hämeenlinna, Finland December 24th, 2022 at 9:25am

: Some pics from December 23rd in Hämeenlinna, Finland

: That is my hottest take of the year 2022. Come back for more in 2023. Happy holidays everyone 🎄🎇

: Celsius is better than Fahrenheit I like how Americans are like ”Fahrenheit is so much better for ambient temperature” like it wasn’t …

: 2022 Months Ranked It is hard to sum up a terrible year with a lot going wrong in my personal life, so I just use …

: I opened linkedIn, saw that “alpha wolf leads the pack through snow”-memes and now I am …

: What is a quirky habit of yours that will be used to explain your success in numerous Linkedin posts …

: Finnish computer hobbyist magazine Skrolli wrote a story about Swatch Internet Time. IMHO, that is …

: Interesting, 100% of people responding said “yes, I have access to land-line”. I …

: I occasionally ask this from my internet friends: do you have access to a land-line telephone in …

: This made me laugh out loud: This announcement came on the same day that the Australian Financial …

: Hard to catch it with a 📸, but I’d say we have some snow in Helsinki

: Not a fan of winter but a fan of whatever this is

: December 9th before the sunset

: One more pic, it is ridiculous how sun makes everything look pretty

: December 9th, Helsinki

: December 8th, 2022 in Helsinki

: I never realised hair rollers are still a thing before my daughters started using them for curling …

: Our family chat during ⚽️ comes with a very high xD (expected dad jokes) value. Fozzie bear doing …

: Poor USA, deserved more from the first half

: Less light, still amazing out there

: There was a wonderful light today. For like 60 minutes total 😅

: Most Patreon/similar projects would benefit from a yearly business option (of course, only if the …

: NaNoGenMo 2022 Result This is my #NaNoGenMo results blog post. See the actual book here: Dragon’s Heart generated …

: How do I verify my micro.blog hosted blog.timokoola.com for Mastodon? I.e. where do I add the link?

: Ok, final stretch of #NaNoGenMo, I am spitting out something with 50000 words today, even if I am …

: Kids are so boring. Apparently I am not allowed buy things like this for Christmas

: Ooh! GENUARY returns! GENUARY is an artificially generated month of time where we build code that …

: Making a note of this for later: Setting up a screen reader testing environment on your computer …

: Days you get to handcraft SVGs are often the better days, maybe even the best days

: I wonder why does German have “Mittwoch”, while Swedish and English (and many other …

: My favourite CSS resource Relearn CSS layout: Every Layout is on Black Friday sale with code …

: Read The Age of Social Media Is Ending - The Atlantic (behind a soft paywall) by Ian Bogost and I …

: Helsinki area has a lot of World War I era trenches and fortifications that luckily never were …

: If I was to move over a rule from another sport to football (⚽️), I would steal the short corner …

: I think the discussion about social media still exaggerates the popularity of Twitter. For sure it …

: Future Ancient Tech Every now and then I think about those sci-fi stories where they discover forgotten advanced tech …

: Had a realization I could build up bots with pretty much any tech that spoke ActivityPub 🤔🤔🤔🤔. Need …

: Mastodon feels right now like a massive group therapy session. It is needed, but at some point the …

: I would have totally worked for SpaceX (sadly, only US passport holders can work for NASA), maybe …

: It is such a glorious mess Latest update on Twitter is Going Great

: GPT-3 - Tell me a detective story (more #NaNoGenMo) Quotes are GPT-3, everything else is my prompts. Generate a main character for a detective story …

: Continuing with my NaNoGenMo progress, I had two discussions with GPT-3 trying different ways to …

: Today, while sitting at the waiting room after the shot I was thinking about how it was easier to …

: Got my fifth COVID 💉 today, also had the infection once, I hope I don’t have to think about it …

: There is something weird about how models like GPT-3, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion that they feel both …

: My Top 3 Perfect Videos There are three videos I re-visit every now and then and get a smile on my face for someone …

: I put myself on a strict social media/dating apps screen time, I only allow 30 minutes of combined …

: Turns out I am now eligible for a fifth COVID 💉. I hope I get one tailored for omicron variant. I …

: Mastodon’s “mitä sinulla on mielessäsi” (Finnish for “what is on your …

: Testing my mastodon connection, hiya @timokoola@indieweb.social

: Ok, found the way to follow Twitter news Twitter is Going Great!. I tried to stay away but no, too …

: Back in the dot com days there was a web site called effedcompany.com that listed start ups going …

: +13 on Nov 12 in Helsinki. Glorius, sunny day

: If I was to go full Elon Musk on a company work force I would first find those people who adhere to …

: I think I’ve found the weirdest (and the most fun 😅) genre of discussion: comparing notes on dating …

: Meta Layoffs I am no Meta or Zuckerberg fan by no means but I feel like a) he really felt bad doing the layoffs …

: NaNoGenMo 10, Chapter Prompt Experiments This is starting to look like a story if you squint hard enough, but consistency is not quite there. …

: Linkedin Profile of a King of a Fantasy Land This made me chuckle (Again, GPT-3) and not related to NaNoGenMo: Prompt: “LinkedIn profile …

: NaNoGenMo day 10, Characters, Some Story Today I was having a try of generating the storyline but ended up still mostly just playing with …

: The Athletic changed me from $1/month to $72/year subscription in an email but luckily at least told …

: So, Mastodon, I’ve mostly avoided, but where would I want to go if I wanted to have a serious …

: I feel like relationships should start with couples therapy and not end with it. So easy to ossify …

: Just randomly remembered the time you were supposed to knock on your friends door and never ring the …

: Read: The Horny Body Problem (essay - Uncanny Magazine #49) Going through the latest Home - Uncanny Magazine I came up with this essay The Horny Body Problem - …

: Absurdly bad year for reading going on, might not hit 20 books completed this year. Turns out that …

: I think I will have to just stop reading news about Twitter. Schadenfreude is not a healthy emotion …

: Going on lightly with NaNoGenMo day 4 as the waves wildly at life is pretty exhausting right now. …

: Lazy Programmer's Data Exploration I am developing a new policy: Excel first (actually, second) data exploration. This morning I had a …

: NaNoGenMo - Day 3 - GPT-3 Today I mostly have played with ideas of generating characters, scenes, countries… But most …

: Today I am “multi-focal lenses for you, sir” years old

: And some book cover suggestion for this book from DALL-E

: Concept images from Questing Heroes from Evoria as generated by Dall-E

: NanoGenMo Day 2 - Story Starting to emerge Day 2 results for my NanoGenMo are ready. Using GPT-3 I get a synopsis and a first name, the land of …

: Slightly slow day for my attempt on NanoGenMo 2022 - Start today. More to follow tomorrow. …

: On Kubernetes by Corey Quinn: Most overwhelmingly, it seems that Kubernetes is catnip for engineers …

: There is this very specific sound for British PA systems. I wonder what are the constituents of that …

: Sigh, and still almost 7 weeks to go before it starts to get brighter again…

: I find this extremely funny view to a high intensity football match

: Today was a ”Blade Runner Soundtrack” kind of a morning walk

: Deleted the two remaining twitter bots I had and one more account I used to follow a couple of lists …

: Learn Right, not Fast I have been thinking lately about ”learning fast” and how it is a completely wrong and often …

: This demo on CSS effects 🤯 Pokemon Deckz

: Reflection on a foggy, rainy day

: Reflection on a foggy, rainy day

: Are there web tools where I can insert a list of items and it then generates me one-on-one pairing …

: That thread itself is about remote vs. in person work but this is a money quote on trade-offs: This …

: NaNoGenMo 2022 I may never have time to participate in #NaNoWriMo but I will try to complete NaNoGenMo this year: …

: Went around the house cursing someone who had made a mess of all the floors and a moment later …

: My review of Taylor Swift's Midnights (3am Edition) My review of Taylor Swift’s Midnights (3am Edition): Another perfect pop album. Unbelievable …

: Thanks to world news my Google search history will forever contain query “sex dolls …

: Web Components I feel like my personal tech stack will steer towards CSS, HTML, and web components away from React. …

: Annoyingly this was a Twitter thread 🧵 but found this by Simon Swardley on that DHH post to align …

: New Taylor Swift album day!

: CSS-in-JS This comment by Brad Frost stuck to me Zeitgeist is a wild thing, and we’re all influenced by it. …

: I need a new micro.blog profile picture. I have plenty of selfies from 2022 due to internet dating, …

: I have a gaping hole in my podcast routine now that I finally caught up with Revolutions podcast. …

: Diplomacy is a sign of weakness Baltic counterintelligence about Russia: „They only respect force,“ says Jauniškis, „and if you …

: Is it so that our algorithm is now fast asleep 🙃?

: Today’s weather isn’t the greatest. This one from few weeks back reminds me of Edward Hopper

: Having a WFH coffee break at my home and looking over the last leaves of the season. This Helsinki, …

: Why is Metaverse so heavily invested, while the results look like this: In fact, according to data …

: What is the name of the phenomenon: you love band/artist for a while and never, ever revisit their …

: Finnish health organization changed the recommendation about taking Iodine tablets in case of a …

: This one is behind a paywall, but even the headline and lede is enough for me to get excited. What …

: I have had my first serious contact with Azure lately and I am absolutely stunned how bad everything …

: Very nice, simple expalanation here The Illustrated Stable Diffusion – Jay Alammar – Visualizing …

: Two things I am unreasonably passionate about in software sphere: 1) making sure colour blind …

: I am so tired of Western galaxy brains coming up with plans for peace over the Ukrainian people. At …

: Generate sound scapes from text by using neural networks. More interesting opportunities: AudioGen: …

: This one is pretty amazing: Write a letter about the smell of autumn by a car factory worker who …

: Now I just need a lot of places, tidbits of life stories, styles of photos and some …

: Letter from Lapland with the same tools: Hi, I’m in Lapland and it’s absolutely …

: Post Card from X Testing out my post cards from X generator with hand written prompt: “Write a letter from …

: I can see how certain type of enterprise architects can do their work perfectly well without ever …

: I just dug up this story, hopefully, without no particular reason It is October 1969: China is …

: I met someone yesterday who picked up their dating site based on the ”it has the best REST API”. …

: Thinking of a new generative project ”post cards from X”. Checking dall-e, stable diffusion for …

: If you could receive a post card from any era and place, what would it be about and from who? For me …

: I wonder if there are examples ofself-contained Raspberry Pi based systems, e.g. solar panel, e-ink …

: Another international football game where Finnish Glen Kamara was at the receiving end of racist …

: Currently reading: Team Topologies by Matthew Skelton 📚 Premise looks promising: how to make …

: Three Years without Twitter Tomorrow it will be three years since I deleted my main Twitter account and I have been in …

: This post by Christian Heilmann on how to create educational videos is a great summary of things one …

: I think companies (and other organizations) are universally bad at explaining why and how their …

: I think I’ve pondered these kind questions before, but this one is more specific: how many …

: About the funnest thing one can do with a team in a retrospective (or any other meeting) is to …

: This is mind-blowing. Minecraft running in Minecraft A Minecraft enthusiast known as Sammyuri, in …

: Every time I get let down by my HP printer I think of this old “The Onion” short: …

: I wonder if there is a way to generate end export a text file that lists all the apps currently …

: Adobe buying Figma feels almost as bad as Facebook buying Instagram.

: This one speaks to me very loudly: Software quality is more the result of a system designed to …

: ESIM is one of those everything old is new again things. Back in the CDMA days phones didn’t …

: This morning I woke up thinking we would only get one normal 14 to replace the most battered phone …

: This is beyond my capabilities but was still a very interesting read about smell and presenting it …

: Oh, this looks like an interesting tool. Markdownish tool to generate timelines Markwhen

: They put in the most important feature I wanted for new Airpods Pro: case can be located with ”Find …

: My brain has now created a connection between Daemon Targaryen and Erling Haaland and I am somewhat …

: Some more experimentation with DALL·E 2 has left me disappointed. This tech is both amazing and …

: My wish list for new Apple features this year: 1. Make it possible to find my (using Find my) …

: Betteridge’s law of headlines states that if the headline contains a yes/no question, the …

: Software industry produces so many technical documents that fail to define even the core concepts …

: There seems to be a lot of hype around Tailscale and I am feeling FOMO. What do people use it for? …

: I am now obsessed with movie “Until the End of the World” and figuring out how to get a …

: Watching Erling Haaland being Erling Haaland 😳. Eight goals in 4 games and 30 minutes so far in …

: I feel like there is an amazing opportunity for someone to build up the next Geocities, Tumblr, or …

: I would need to buy antivirus software for Windows as the existing McAfee license is expiring and I …

: Documenting my current pizza preferences for future reference: * Tuna * Prawns * Green Chile * …

: I have rather ominous reminder for today: “check taxes” and I have no idea what the past self was …

: What is your The Brown M&M’s question in a job interview (when you are the one being …

: Got around creating the “color Hex Triplet Words” for Finnish (cheating by adding …

: I have had extremely bad luck with robot vacuums. One was just bad, second never turned on and the …

: This headline sounds like a pitch for an awful yet awesome scifi zombie movie. I’d totally go watch …

: Kicking the Twitter habit It will be soon three years I terminated my main twitter account. I’ve kept reading twitter but have …

: I found three Swedish words that work as color hex triplets! 🥳. Need to think how to create nice …

: I am sad to inform you all that there are no Finnish language hex triplets 😰 (as seen in Hex Triplet …

: There is nothing like the jersey of the team you love, but if you needed to choose jersey first and …

: This is funny, list of English words that are also hex triplets and can be used as colour codes Hex …

: What kind of things you ask when you are starting something new? Mostly interested in professional …

: Vesa-Matti Loiri (actor, singer, musician,sports person + more) as a name might not mean much …

: Peanuts are not nuts Things that I wish everyone knew: peanuts are not nuts. Not in the biological sense but most …

: To me iPhone 5 is the most beautiful phone ever created, but Nokia N8-00 also looked awesome. I wish …

: I am not much of bookmarks person and when I accidentally click the bookmarks section I am in awe …

: Finished reading: Inversions by Iain M. Banks 📚 It is a solid Culture book that happens on a planet …

: It is hard to review book you love unconditionally. Equal to first book in the series. Butbut, is my …

: This map is surprsisingly fun Notable people Using data from Morgane Laouenan et al., the map is …

: Oh, man, The Doors has some amazing songs. Haven’t listened to them in years, but immediately …

: My friend sent me a video of American troops moving in Finland on Chinook helicopters and all I …

: Sports streaming is hard for consumers I like how sports streaming pricing works. Formula 1 jumped from the other major streaming service …

: This blog post from Meta explaining which programming languages are endorsed for server-side use at …

: One more that I really liked, generated with prompt “rural house overrun by dozens of cats, …

: DALL-E image, first try So, some examples - first one, I tried to generate the massive room of statues of the book Piranesi. …

: Seems that I have access to DALL-E like everyone else now. The results feel both like magic and also …

: So, shall I learn SwiftUI or re-learn Django next, that is the question?

: Ruminating on my Career - Tech Stack Professionally, I’ve made it a point always to choose a project with a new tech (my last three …

: I’ve been bumping to meyers-briggs a lot lately. I am not that interested in the scientific basis or …

: One of my favourite tech people Vicky Boykis wrote a farewell letter after leaving Automattic. …

: I’ve been told that it is nowadays ”perfectly cool” to wear sandals with socks. This surely can’t be …

: Ok, now I am going to get back to habit of writing every day. Personal life dramas are perhaps now …

: Job interview questions can be weird but not usually ”would you rather take $10 from the toilet seat …

: This is from my Sunday walk in Espoo by the sea. Can’t believe this is with-in ring road I in …

: One consequence of being single again is that I use Instagram a lot more. Those steamy selfies for …

: Been neglecting writing lately. Promised myself I will post something daily on one my blogs during …

: Currently reading: How To Rule An Empire and Get Away With It by K. J. Parker 📚. Book #2, here I …

: Finished reading: Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City by K. J. Parker 📚 This review will be short, …

: Sunsets in my new home 🥰

: Currently reading: Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City by K. J. Parker 📚. Break from Wheel of time. …

: I live in the biggest ”city” of Finland. Also: chicken!

: It would be super cool that companies that offered downloadable PDF receipts spent some time coming …

: Fantasy and Sci-fi Books that I can Recommed to Anyone For last few years I’ve mostly read fantasy and sci-fi (and will continue to do so). I collected my …

: Sunsets 🌆

: My kids are in Lissabon with my ex-wife. Meanwhile in Finland…

: I don’t think I’ve seen a code base that didn’t have an extra delay somewhere because test/something …

: Still midway through this Success and Failure at Pebble. We launched Pebble on Kickstarter 10… - by …

: Speaking of Wheel of Time. There is something strange about the first two books I’ve now (almost) …

: This recentish episode of the Incomparable added so many books to my “to read” bookshelf. I guess, …

: I think Slack’s huddle is the most unappreciated voice call system in general use. Snappy, …

: But I have to say my roof top home has the best sunsets…

: Even if you prepare mentally for moving it always comes as a surprise how damn stressful it is. Now …

: Idea for a movie. Sequel to Good Bye, Lenin! but with unnamed dictator in a bunker playing the part …

: I specced up Mac Studio to what I would want it to be and wow the price tag is making me cry 😰. In …

: I am getting stressed out by an ad online about desks where a person with extremely poor liquid …

: I know there is a big part of Portugal represented here, would anyone know where to find the rules …

: I feel like thing to watch for when getting older are the things we warn our kids about. Just like …

: Read - Microservices: Why Are We Doing This Ansible creator Michael de Haan is one of my favourite software dissidents. His texts about e.g. …

: ICloud file sync has been perfectly reliable for me before, but now it has lost a file somewhere …

: Something I’ve been trying to get for a while - a desktop whiteboard by the computer 🥰

: I wish I could a take a screenshot on Mac by pointing iPhone camera at it. Or well, I had both the …

: TIL about late 70’s Colorado Caribous Soccer team and their awesome uniforms with fringes: The …

: What is the name of the phenomenon where products in a category get less useful when the price …

: Today was a sad day as my trusted bicycle was in too bad condition to be fixed anymore. It was at …

: Occassionally I remember this classic Onion piece A Shattered Nation Longs To Care About Stupid …

: One thing that never ever got proper coverage in the West is that Putin is not very smart. He is a …

: I like how supposedly slow and inefficient politicians excluded Russia from international finance …

: Anna Politkovskaya’s “Putin’s Russia” was written 2003 and she was murdered …

: I have hard time saying what I want so I’ll just stick to this: pay attention to what people …

: Somehow we swing from wet slush to winter wonderland with fortnightly cycle. This is nicer but …

: I wish I had the luxury of just reading about years 2020 and forward in a history book. Not fun …

: Did you know that Sweden was pretty close to building its own nuclear weapons in the 60’s? …

: This one is spot on If you’ve tried to search for a recipe or product review recently, I don’t need …

: I think I’ve encountered this before, but Finnish language have quite a few snow related …

: Back in the 80’s when I was a kid and the Red machine ruled the ice it would have been pure sci-fi …

: I’ve tried to imagine lately how would life feel like without modern tech interruptions (I’ll keep …

: Not saying I am procrastinating, but I just read about ancient Kazakh calendar that seems to be very …

: No idea why it took me for so long to go for Set App for Mac. Complete no-brainer for someone who …

: Who is the best (choose your own definition of ‘best’) sportsperson you’ve seen …

: I am starting to treat Apple Music’s weaker recommendation capabilities as a feature. Listen …

: Superbowl halftime show very much hit this 90’s young adult (+Kendrick Lamar appreciator) like …

: Is there a way to self-host relatively small (10 to 30 seconds of speech) audio files that has no …

: Turns out, I really enjoy Wheel of Time. While I find the characters to be rather boring (or …

: How long are design fashion cycles? When can we expect the skeumorphism to make a come back? Looking …

: Finished reading: Five Ways to Forgiveness by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚 I took my time with this one. I …

: That sinking feeling you get from finding an open source project that by description would be …

: There was a Glasgow “Old Firm” ⚽️ derby yesterday and at the Celtic Park they have this …

: One thing that so much better in Apple Music: Lyrics view. Not only it is real time, but also …

: I gave in after watching the season 1: Currently reading: The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan 📚. …

: Recent day highlights after we got a thick layer of new snow

: Is there an app for Mac I could use for QR scanning on screen (i.e. drag a box on screen and it …

: Stack-Exchange Roaming Occasionally, I wander into to stack exchange outside the programming and get blown away by the …

: I wish there was an internationally recognised sci-fi property from Finland that ended up as a big …

: Semi-regular reminder that Radio Garden is pretty awesome way to listen to radio stations around the …

: Wheel of Time 📺, Zettelkasten 📚 Recluse Poetry Watched Wheel of Time season 1. I have no previous contact with the series but now I am pondering if …

: After Expanse, I need a new TV series that I watch. Lately it has been only one series at the time, …

: Would we be able to eradicate polio anymore, if it started spreading outside the last remaining …

: I am not sure I will ever get used to UI of Apple music (or its numerous bugs), but I guess now I …

: Somewhat related to Meta/FB is this nice blog post on The five Levels of Hype.

: Provided that you didn’t have any moral qualms about FB/Meta (heavy use of imagination …

: Weird how only way I can find this Facebook Meta Horizons (or whatever) trailer video is in this …

: Didn’t realize Expanse season was only six episodes and I am baffled how the story (as seen in …

: I really enjoyed the latest episode of Twenty Thousand Hertz Sul Sul about Sims and its sounds This …

: Spotify is rickrolling me…

: Book that I am reading (Nature of Code) has a sentence ’cuddly, squishy creature (à la Nokia …

: Currently reading: Toki Pona by Sonja Lang 📚

: Toki Pona I’ve been looking to tackle a new language for some time. I narrowed down the options to …

: Reading about the ”Old New Year” and I am impressed by Ukrainian commitment to eating pork on …

: I think we need to introduce “good web cam day” and “bad web cam day” to …

: I got my fourth Covid vaccination today (apparently my medication actively eats away the protective …

: I Don't Know my Ancestors and They Never Met me Today I thought about how many generations back I need to go before I meet a first person in my …

: Currently Reading Currently reading: The Nature of Code: Simulating Natural Systems with Processing by Daniel Shiffman …

: Read: Uncanny Magazine #44 📚 I read through the Uncanny Magazine issue #44. Stories I liked the best were The Clockwork Penguin …

: Has the wordle creator ever commented the game design? It feels like a game design mistake that the …

: I may hate winter in general, but days like this 🥰

: I hate winters... I think I’ve cracked why I hated winter – it is not the cold, it is not even the awkward …

: Listened to @jean in the Incomparable “The Best of the Year 2021” episode to talk about …

: Watched the movie Arrival today. Liked it but felt like the short story was more satisfying in that …

: This is an interesting development. I hope it doesn’t mean I will have to call NYT customer service …

: Read: Story of Your Life by Ted Chiang 📚 Ended and started the year with a short story by Ted Chiang. This short story is best known for …

: New year started with a glorious winter walk around lake Aulanko in Hämeenlinna.

: Finished Reading Rendezvous with Rama 📚 Finished reading: Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke 📚. I thought I have read this book …

: Hello, @help this is the issue with Epilogue I promised a video about

: Finished reading: Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly 📚. Hidden figures is story about black …

: Currently reading: Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke 📚

: I wonder how much studies there are about harmfulness of following the news too closely? I don’t …

: It was a 📸 worthy winter day today in Helsinki

: Epilogue seems not to clear the text box after posting a book blog post. I suppose this is a known …

: So, how do you label your zettelkasten notes when using a digital tool. The original method of using …

: Currently reading: Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly 📚

: Finished reading: The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal 📚. I have conflicting feelings about …

: Finished reading: A Psalm for the Wild-Built 📚 Finished reading: A Psalm for the Wild-Built (Monk & Robot Book 1) by Becky Chambers 📚. She has …

: Obsidian, Day 1 Trying to get Obsidian habit going, wish me luck. I’ve had earlier Zettelkastens using Foam | …

: Expanse TV Series Season 6 is out! Watched episode 1 of the season 6 of the Expanse and didn’t remember they come one episode per …

: Winter sun laying low. Twenty minutes past mid-day solar time and shadows are this long.

: Also completed Expanse book #9 Leviathan Falls and as a fan of the series I am very happy about the …

: It has been uncomfortably cold for few days, which means uncomfortably hot and dry indoors. But it …

: Read Web3 is Bullshit and while I try to keep an open mind about web3, I’ve yet to see anything …

: Started reading: Leviathan Falls by James S. A. Corey 📚

: Today’s the day. Expanse book #9 is out

: This is a weird story (I have no means to check its truthfulness) about a Finnish soldier who doped …

: The service that automatically signs you to a cheaper black friday deal and cancels the old …

: This is a rather cool ad in a short movie form for Christmas from Norwegian Post Office about …

: This kind of blog post (about referee boards fourth official wields in a soccer game) is my …

: Nice, long write up of a CSS reset with just 13 rules at www.joshwcomeau.com

: Never was a Manchester United fan but I always rooted for Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, back in the day as a …

: Getting Back to Writing I’ve had a hard time getting started writing lately. I am trying to build back a daily routine …

: I read this Ergodicity: A Simple Explanation of Ergodic vs. Non-ergodic Systems about ergodicity and …

: Ah, Finnish November, the gift that doesn’t stop giving

: I’ve visited the dentist a couple of times lately to fix things that didn’t get fixed …

: Taylor Swift’s “Red” is still a perfect album and even better now as …

: Uncanny Magazine 43 came out last week and of the short stories The Stop After the Last Station by …

: I don’t know how I could deal with meeting a podcast voice IRL as it would be very weird to …

: Docker must be the neediest software out there (now that browsers mostly can just update themselves …

: So many websites and apps struggle with emoji😬 spacing. I wonder if someone has written somewhere …

: There is this meme going about Kelly Rowland texting with MS Excel. It should be obvious to anyone, …

: Read 📚 Finna and Defekt I recently finished Finna by Nino Cipri 📚 and the second book in the same universe Defekt by Nino …

: I’ve been too (or felt too) busy to write lately, now I am going to set aside that time …

: I have questions: What are your favourite newsletters? How do you discover short fiction? Are there …

: Microsoft Edge is a solid browser, but now it wants to change copying of links from the address bar. …

: My theory: unleashed === 5G

: Birdspotting walk today. Pic is bad but got to have a look at several herons pretty close

: I am planning on to getting my first Apple Watch. While I am a long term optimist about wearable …

: Tor.com’s eBook of the Month Club has Tamsyn Muir’s Gideon the Ninth available for free download, if …

: I find this tool amazing, it gives you audio, listens to you and then gives you tips on how to …

: Today I tried to teach myself on how to pronounce “pulchritudinous”. Sadly, Google …

: I am a big proponent of generic drugs and biosimilars. My medication (cost mostly covered by Finnish …

: I’ve followed a story of Finnish startup(?) Uros from afar and quietly wondered who are their …

: Turns out, Finland is giving out third Covid shots those eligible, and to my surprise I already …

: TIL: Australia has 5(!) time zones

: Got around buying binoculars for bird spotting, went with the lightest possible that can survive …

: Lately, my music consumption has mostly been minimalist ambient like this 36 minute song called …

: I wish there was more whimsy in mobile phone design and OEMs tried to bring up old form factors with …

: I am curious why the story about the new main sponsor (Motiva implants, yes, my first thought as …

: This is cool: colour schema for R for creating charts that are readable by people with different …

: One of the what ifs I think a lot about is that what if Instagram stood independent longer, would …

: I think I saw an eagle today (very high up in the Helsinki sky). Am I getting somehow better at …

: The longest train ride I’ve done was from München to Stockholm in a train I couldn’t get …

: Hearing @manton talk about train ride from Austin to Los Angeles in Core IntuitionEpisode 481: No …

: I think I saw an great egret today. Not only one but three. I wish I had had binoculars. What was …

: Speaking of movies, I went to a movie theatre, a real one to see Dune 🏜🐛. Very, very good. Only …

: Watched “Psycho” over the weekend first time in years and as a cinematic piece of art it …

: Every Kid Didn't Have a Microcomputer When I was a kid “everyone” had Commodore 64. Last week I went to look for how many …

: This short story is perfect. Japan. AI. Poetry On a Branch Floating Down the River, a Wren Is …

: Return to normal advancing. Booked a movie ticket for tomorrow (to see Dune, obviously). Still …

: I think it will be Pro Max (blue, if I can get one or gold) and I might just finally get an Apple …

: My question is: when did the 90’s start to look so old: www.youtube.com/watch ? I was there …

: Sunrise is pretty late already at 6.46am and air is crisp, but at least the pictures you get are …

: Can’t believe I wasted my time on two(!) separate AWS related tutorials that lacked the most …

: Is This the End of The Covid Tunnel? Yesterday, I was sitting in a crowded McDonald’s at a mall and realized that at least in my …

: Reading update 📚 I’ve noticed that I don’t care too much about non-fiction anymore (or at least right …

: Lately, I’ve toyed around quite a lot with SVG and Pure Data — Pd Community Site. I see these …

: Is that Autumn colours I see 😰

: But this is the coolest thing I saw today. Black adder(?)

: My dad has some cool radios

: I am participating SVG animation workshop. - cassie.codes and it is super fun. We’ve covered …

: Thumbs up for the two new ABBA songs.

: One of the things I want to advance in my life is captured in spirit by this website Make Frontend …

: As a programmer I want to automate an once-off, fifteen minute manual task in three hours In order …

: There is a story about Russian hockey team from Kazan dropping cheerleaders (good) for …

: I heard someone accidentally say “suffer the internet” instead of “surf the …

: Last sunrises of Finnish summer ’21. Up a head: autumn mornings

: React error message “18 frames were collapsed” surely is a reference to movie Inception, …

: I used to be laptop commando that was proud to lie down in a bean bag, bent in an unholy way writing …

: If you are someone who roots for the team chaos, this petty transfer dispute between Montréal …

: Also checking some of my old GOG purchases, like the Ultima games. I think I will read the (sadly, …

: Got a new PC and the game I’ve been waiting play is Townscaper which is more of a lego box …

: Another story about how crows are 🤯 amazing 10 Fun Facts About the American Crow | Audubon. They can …

: Responsive Youtube Embeds For future reference this is how to style YouTube embeds so that they are responsive (scss-format): …

: I once visited Wuppertal, Germany specifically to ride their suspension railway, but sadly the whole …

: Most middle-aged thing I did today: asked if non-alcoholic beer was an option at an upcoming dinner. …

: My favourite kind of procrastination is to get stuck in selecting the perfect ambient playlist for …

: So my N/S/E/W: North: Nordkapp, Norway West: San Francisco, USA South: Bengaluru/Bangalore, India …

: Something I wrote in a message today: first-borns need to constantly see themselves in a mirror to …

: Ok, this is for @odd, “a music video with key features from Micro.Blog” 😁

: Need to share one more VQGAN-CLIP generated item. This is a video of “a thunderstorm over a …

: Turns out you can’t remote desktop yourself into a PC with a Microsoft Account and a password …

: Ah, one more: “clouds ” (forgot to write down the prompt):

: I also tried “a racist ad” because that came up in discussions, and uh-oh, not going to …

: and finally, “thunderstorm over a city”

: And this is “a map of a fantasy island and its volcano”

: This one is “a travelling circus eating a cake”

: Generating images with VQGAN-CLIP Today, I’ve been toying around with VQGAN-CLIP, one of those GPU-heavy graphics generation …

: I have a Windows PC and the culture shock is pretty big. I wonder how long it takes to get over …

: This experimental page transition API in Chrome (and later perhaps as a web standard) looks pretty …

: There is a slight chance I may have purchased an unnecessarily expensive PC with a beefy GPU 🙈.

: This personal/portfolio website henry.codes is amazingly cool everywhere, but I really like the ”now …

: I have a question about coaching? Have you done coaching professionally? Any books or other material …

: Lots of football today, and checking micro camp schedules, just in case I could catch some session …

: August nights are already dark enough to dream of catching some perseids shooting stars tonight. …

: Suddenly remembered that Expanse book 📚 #9 Leviathan Falls is coming out in about three months. 🥳

: Books Update 📚 Picked up two new books today and finally retired a book I am not going to finish for now. I was …

: Wrote a quick Eleventy short code and about it and ruby HTML element in my language learning blog: …

: I am looking for inspiration on a textual blog design especially concerning the readability. Do you …

: Who do I root for in sport? There was this fun blog post My Preferred Olympic Winner Order - Jayeless.net by Jessica Smith …

: Apparently crows can understand the concept of ”zero” Behavioral and Neuronal Representation of …

: Olympics ending, big soccer/football leagues starting in a week (+Euro2021 earlier this summer) made …

: Read more of short fiction lately and I recommend everyone The Wishing Pool from Uncanny Magazine. …

: Found this How to build a website in 2021 very funny (and painful) 😅

: Personal accessibility improvements Things that I should have done way earlier: Enable high contrast theme in Visual Studio Code. Have …

: I love eleventy. From base template to running in less than three hours and amazing performance out …

: Three words I’ve for a while planned to move over my language learning stuff (not just Russian, but all …

: Eleventy project shared this personal/professional website by Jacob Leech — Digital Craftsman. Some …

: Another Linkedin failure. No, I am not going to “celebrate” “work …

: 3x365 Russian Words, day 210, loan words Today’s words are Russian words that have made their way into Finnish. The first word is окно …

: Speaking of 3x3. I am shocked that a big international sports organization can come up with …

: Someone at FIFA should be looking at 3x3 basketball and then glance at the FIFA console game and its …

: Read short form fiction lately (send your recommendations this way) and thought it would be a good …

: TV ad with a (small font) disclaimer: “filmed before COVID times” 🤔

: Not that much into Olympics, but I love 3x3 basketball. My new favourite sport

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 208, Everything Ready Yesterday, it was a busy day between work and gardening. I needed to get certain things done at the …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 206 Today was a long day of programming, then some gardening and at the end of the day had a beer and …

: Liking my new gig with React and MobX. Something about React that really works the way my brain …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 202, Golden Toilets Another from the news (Google Translate does a decent job here as well) В Москве задержали замглавы …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 201, Covid There was an interesting story by Russian investigative journalist about the Covid situation in the …

: Started a new customer project this week, from embedded C to React and TypeScript. I may limit my …

: Somehow, I am unreasonably excited about Kraken 🏒🥅 expansion draft. Maybe VGK early success is …

: New musical find today: Nils Frahm. Probably played him before on Spotify but now I paid attention …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 200, Pulcinella's secret I was made aware of a Russian idiom “Pulcinella’s secret” or rather “секрет …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 199, Weather(s) We were talking yesterday about weather again. It has been four straight weeks of …

: Artists that I really understood at a relatively old age (late 30’s and early 40’s): …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Days 197&198, PhD Yesterday we discussed about degrees and my spouse said something along the lines of: “I only …

: I’ve been doing CSS studying a lot lately and I am itching to try out some things but I …

: One of the great small pleasures of life: naps. Can I have another one?

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 196, Another Hot Day Let’s jump right in: “очень жарко и хочется спать. но скоро начнется семинар и придёт …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 195, IKEA Highlights of this week have been IKEA trip in person (first in two years) and the Helsinki cup …

: Good meetings This text, Good Meetings | CSS-Tricks, by Sarah Drasner touches on many points I’ve been trying to …

: Book update: Ancillary Mercy and Piranesi 📚 Two books read! This is how summer vacation is supposed to function Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 193, Stiil Hot, Need to Swim It is the day 193 of the year, there are only 172 days to go this year 😱. Is it me or is it …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 190, Taxi (part II) I am going to get a taxi next to start a weekend trip: “Я хотел бы заказать такси” “I would like to …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Days 182-189 I slacked off a bit on my holiday, but still managed to put in few Russian words. волнуйся - to …

: Some selected lake shots from my quick holiday trip to Saarijärvi in Central Finland

: Foreign Policy has a damning article on The Incomprehensible Enormity of Russia’s Botched …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Days 180&181, More Swimming and Fairy Tales These are the words and sentences from the last two days. First off on Tuesday, my spouse had …

: I think WYSIWYG tools were a mistake especially w/re writing a document. Creating and styling texts …

: 3x365 Russian words, Day 179, Smell/sniff Yesterday’s words were Finnish words “haistaa” and “haista”: haistaa - to sniff - нюхать …

: This “AI” code helper from GitHub looks more than interesting: GitHub Copilot · Your AI pair …

: Summer Holiday Reading List Picked the books 📚 for my Summer Holiday: Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie Essentialism by Greg McKeown …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 178, Cool Swimming Last few days we needed a lot of refreshment. Here are some cooling and swimming words from …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 177, Heat maps The City of Helsinki launched this week a service that: The page will display the congestion status …

: Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie 📚 I finished reading Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie 📚. Like the first installment of the series, I …

: Conan O’Brien ended his run at TBS this week. While I haven’t followed his shows that closely …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 176, Football UEFA Euro 2020 was a first major tournament for Finnish men. Results were ok for first timers. We, …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 175, Work Last few weeks I’ve worked very hard to complete a customer project before the summer holiday …

: I know buying domains is my vice, but I think I can’t top this: I bought pretty nice domain …

: Can’t believe how hard it is to find stuff from checks notes Google’s web pages. No, it is not …

: Finns are turning into puddles after two consecutive days of +30℃(89F) or more. I love this weather. …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 172, Crocs Speaking of Crocs, we did discuss buying them yesterday: “думаю - купить кроксы или нет? не знаю. - …

: I have a question about Crocs (the light, plastic shoes). Someone made a claim that they are coming …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 170, Tropical Nights I don’t know how many “unseasonally warm” days I have and will see in my life, but this week …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 171, Young, Younger I shaved and definitely look younger now. My face looks younger, but not young anymore 😢 “я побрился …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 169, Cats Lazy day today, eat and sleep and then a nap and late lunch. It is good to be a cat they tell me …

: Read: Dispossessed by Ursula K. le Guin 📚 This book has been sitting on my completed pile already for a while, but I haven’t been able …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 168, Bees and Wasps Today I picked up words for several insects: пчела - a bee - mehiläinen шмель - a bumblebee - …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 165, Cake My daughter made me cake over the weekend some really nice strawberry Oreo cake 🤤 with purple …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 165, Voting Yesterday was a voting day in Finland “вчера были выборы, но я проголосовал заранее” “There was an …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 164, Directions Busy weekend, no time to even read anything before 10pm Sunday 😱. Anyway, picked up following words …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 161, Memes part II You might remember And how do you like this, Elon Musk?. Today, this one bumped into my timeline and …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 160, 🦟 It is that time of the year: mosquitoes are here and eating us alive! “тебя не съели комары на …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 159, 7 Hares Hill outside our window is now so green and it has attracted both hares and rabbits. Apparently …

: What technologies would you choose, if you were to write software that needed to run in year 2041? …

: I still have a Facebook account but I log in so rarely that UI has changed every time I do. Only …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 157 & 158, adjectives Yesterday and today we went through some adjectives I’ve been missing: узкий - narrow - kapea …

: I can’t believe these kinds of tracks are part of my daily commute (there are less photogenic …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 155, Rhododendrons There is a popular spot in Helsinki full of rhododendrons in all possible varieties (of that can …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 154, Summer It was so warm today I only had T-shirt, shorts and sunglasses 😎 on. I love summer “Сегодня было так …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 153, More Adverbs Today I wanted some clarity to “Сюда, куда, откуда, где” that I see often, but haven’t figured …

: Funny, I saw ”25-29 year olds born between 1992-1996 are now eligible for vaccination” and my first …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 152, Adverbs We’ve practiced adverbs for last two days and here are some Finnish ones: tarpeeksi - enough …

: These are mostly for me to be bookmarked for later reading. First, paper on Chinese hip hop that …

: Life slowly getting to old normal. Bought a ticket to a concert! Indoors! In August to see HKO & …

: I’ve been thinking of rewriting my CV in a web format for a while and this Eleventy template revived …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 150, Pharmacy and Allergies Today we didn’t have much to do but allergies needed to be taken care of: “We went to pharmacy today …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 149, Finnish "tones" We’ve discussed Finnish short and long vowels and consonants before. Today, my spouse said …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 148, Questions I’ve missed words for “question” and “to ask” (also “to answer”) so we crafted a …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 147, It hurts Today we got one more 💉 to the family; my spouse finally got her first shot and she has a very …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 146, Moral Support 💉 Tomorrow there will be a vaccination number 1 for my spouse and I am six days away from my second …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 146, Salmiakki My spouse is not a big fan of salty liquorice a.k.a salmiakki in Finnish. And to her disappointment …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 145, More Weather Today I was looking at weather in Novosibirsk i.e. “погода в новосибирске сегодня“ Прогноз погоды в …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 144, Writing a Speech I will need to write a script for a small presentation for Monday: “Мне нужно написать 5-минутную …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 143, Thanks for Waiting + Still Watching Eurovision Today there were two sentences exchanged between us: “Спасибо, что подождал” / “Я всё ещё смотрю …

: 3x365 Russian Words, day 142, candy It is an Eurovision contest today but today’s words come from yesterday when we had some …

: 3x365 Russian Words, day 138, lectures If I had a heavy meetings day on Tuesday, today it has been my spouse who was very busy. Lectures, …

: How about gRPC? That is fun and perhaps not directly work related?

: Spent a lot of time upping my certification game for projects starting in fall and feeling like …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 137, after the rain We had rain today, but that nice, summery rain that makes everything smell nice. “После дождя вкусно …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 136, Too Many Meetings I rarely need to spend all day in meetings but today was one of those days. First at 9am, last ended …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 135, Sauna Ah, two days of break of pretty much everything. Got to see my dad and brother first time in more …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 132, Glass Floor Elevators There was a pretty scary incident in China this week where a man got stranded on a glass bridge when …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 131, Bicycle It was +24℃ today, the first proper day of summer! We biked a lot and it reminded me of Steve Jobs …

: I’ve been meaning to write about debugging, but this tweet thread came up on my timeline and …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 130, watching hockey again A matter of contention few days back: “что ты любишь смотреть? я люблю смотреть хоккей каждый день” …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Days 128&129 I am looking forward to Tuesday when I won’t be as busy I’ve been last three weeks. Again …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 127, What time it is? Today I practiced some time related matters using this video, “Который час?” - what time …

: I suppose it is spring when you see people playing golf and water-skiing on your Sunday walk

: This old blog post about visualizing garbage collector algorithms also bumped into my timeline: …

: Excellent tweet thread about what makes a good alt text to an image or a GIF animation: I often talk …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 126 Today I spent time collecting words that I see in texts and have not yet learned. Three of them …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 126&127, Good Night Yesterday, I had a sentence ready to go and suddenly couple of badly slept nights came back to claim …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 125, Awful Weather Today’s weather was absolutely awful. Freezing rain and +3 felt like I have made mistakes in …

: I don’t understand how I am still up and relatively awake. Woke up at 3am and thinking of …

: Ambient nature of the day - Saimaa Ringed seal live cam from somewhere in Finland Norppalive – WWF:n …

: Running a one person business is awesome like 96% of the time. And then there are times you wake up …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 124, Chips Apparently someone ate a bag of potato chips (crisps for you on the British Isles) and just left an …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 123, Review Day Sometimes it is hard to see or hear your own progress and it helps to check that, yes, there have …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 122, Prepositions (More) Today I practiced prepositions and here are three I have not learned before: без - without - ilman …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 121, Don't Call Me Continuing with verb practices going with a simple sentence : “не звони, я не могу говорить, отправь …

: Hey people, what is your mb work flow on iPad? I’d like to be able to hop in and out of browser to …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 120, Are You OK,app (part II)? My language app, while mostly useful, sometimes gives me sentences that make me question what is …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 119, Tell me about your day Not much to tell about my day, but how about you? “Расскажи как прошёл твой день” “Tell me about …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 118, Beard I needed a refresh of my face today and shaved off a two month old beard. “ты побрился и подстригся. …

: Somehow we went from “maybe car would be useful” to “I think Tesla 3 looks nice in red” in a …

: The most important iOS 14.5 feature to me was adding 5G support also when dual-SIM is activated. …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 117, for More than a Year Gyms and swimming pools are opening after COVID-restrictions in Finland on Thursday (w/ some local …

: I think micro.blog community is conspiring to show me as many cute dog pictures as possible. 🥰🥰 Are …

: I wonder if Airtag treasure hunt (along the lines of geocaching) is something possible or even …

: I wish there was something this simple and straightforward on iPhone to see battery state of a …

: My favourite quote this week has been @danielpunkass on Core Intuition talking about Mac development …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 116, Nobody Knows How Lately I’ve had some very frustrating experiences with services. Exasperated I have thought: …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 115, more verbs Today we closed down our Miro board for a moment and added a bunch of verbs together Here are some …

: Trying to up my breakfast game to ”social media influencer”. How is it working?

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 114, Perfective/Imperfective Verbs Today I started exploring grammar related to Russian verbs and maybe was able to explain myself …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 113, I Want to Sleep Now Another early morning today and so, so tired at 8pm I am ready for the bed already: “Я прямо сейчас …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 112, Get Off the Hamster Wheel Today I read interesting article about crushing Chinese work culture and impending counter-reaction …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 111 Today I had a long day doing digital archeology trying to revive an old piece of hardware for …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 110, I Need to Study Every Day Language learning is mostly just deliberate practice spaced over a long enough time. I’ve studied …

: Everything related to that new iMac is so pretty

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 109, House I am not sure what is happening here, but lately we have talked about getting a car, wedding rings 💍 …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 108, Pull it Together This one was interesting sentence I first encountered through Clozemaster app and asked my wife …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 107, Close the Doors (redux) We continue from yesterday Timo Koola · 3x365 Russian Words, Day 106, Close the Doors and the …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 106, Close the Doors Ok, today’s sentences have three days worth of words “кто забыл закрыть дверцу …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 105, You can have it As part of preparing my spouse for Finnish citizenship, I’ve tried to teach her to appreciate …

: Very busy few days. I haven’t read the m.b timeline in days, what’s new everyone?

: I stumbled upon this sci-fi short story(?) on Twitter Lena @ Things Of Interest. This is the most …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 104, New Job Someone in our family (not me) got excellent news today: a new job! And it is the perfect dream job! …

: There is football on my streaming device and I just love watching Kylian Mbappé play

: 3x365 Russian Swords, Day 103, Romantics I was doing my best to be romantic today and suggested sentences like “you are the light of my …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 102, Birds Adding to our bird (and pronoun) collection a couple more: “Сегодня мы видели чёрного дрозда, …

: Learning on the Job as a Team What is the most fun bit of your current job? Mine by far is the way my current team is building up …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 101, Small Dogs I was made aware of this Russian poem today Ivan Krylov. Elephant and Pug. Translated by unknown …

: I wrote Perl today for the first time in probably ten years. Not the most idiomatic nor the most …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 100, Are You Ok, Language Learning App? Day 100 of 2021 already! Today’s sentence comes from Clozemaster app. This sentence certainly …

: Currently reading: The ten-minute trainer by Sharon L. Bowman 📚

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 99, 🥶 While it was the first day this year I could spot no snow from my kitchen window the weather was …

: Currently reading: The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 98, Doctor Went to a doctor today, nothing to worry about: “Врач сказал, что ничего серьезного. Не стоит …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 97, Waking up too Early Let’s not name any names, because facts of the case me look bad, but some people had their Chinese …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 96, Hawk! I’ve been spotting a hawk on the sky for few days now but it has been too far away to be 100% …

: I think my current favourite technology is SVG, it is so quietly flexible and expressive and easy to …

: Books, Books, Books 📚 This is a long-overdue “books that I’ve read recently” blog post. Ursula K. Le …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 95, Terrible Weather Finnish call this “takatalvi”, spring took several steps back and it was windy and it even snowed …

: Lego movie randomly came up on TV. It has so many delightful details. My favourite is the ”worn out …

: Currently reading: The Nature of Code by Daniel Shiffman 📚

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 94, Food Today we ate long form supper for the Easter. Today I picked up some random food words: каша - …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 93 😎 Today was a nice sunny day and we wore sunglasses. “сегодня солнечный день, и я надел солнечные …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 92, Do it yourself! Do it yourself! This is what we practiced today. This is like a pretty rude order, say when making a …

: Currently reading: Word for World Is Forest by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚

: I feel like time is ripe for something like Yahoo! directory again. Many of the popular Google …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 91: allergies Allergy season kicked in with pollen laden winds blowing from South. Combined with street dust I …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 90 Cleaning up today. Easter and spring both around the corner. “помоги мне вытащить посуду из …

: My favourite random wikipedia quote lately: In 1921 an innovation in training, previously unknown …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 89 Went on to learn some more animals today besides “Собака”, “Кошка” and “ёжик” we already …

: I will collect all my readings from last few weeks in a single blog post when I am finished with “A …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 88 You may remember a hair related mishap a while ago on Day 32. Hair has now grown a bit and it is …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 87 It is Easter in Finland in a week and May 2nd in Russia (and other areas following Julian/Orthodox …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 86 Did you have supper already? We are cooking borsch. “вы уже поужинали? я варю борщ” “Joko söitte …

: Listened to @monday with @jayeless on my walk today and it was such a delightful talk. That …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 85 Phew, didn’t take any photos today because of the fog that kept the visibility to minimum big part …

: Spring sun is an unstoppable force. Snow melting very fast

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 84 Adding to vocabulary of discovering more vocabulary: “я не понял, можно объяснить еще раз?” “I …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 83 I dropped off books at the local library and caught this sign there: “рекомендации по использованию …

: Pretty cool video of a wall of ice 15 kms long on a lake in Finland. Video of a ice wall | Yle …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 82 Topical sentence today. My spouse is a big fan of figure skating and tomorrow the world …

: I spent all day “blogging” at the customer. Wrote a lengthy internal doc about acceptance testing. I …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 81 Today I spent considerable time trying to understand the difference between все and всё and …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 80 Today we are going to take a look at one of the memes of the Russia’s internet (from excellent …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 79 It is spring equinox today, and we are going to get the sunnier half of the year. 🥳😎 день весеннего …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 78 No extra context for this one, but there was an episode today 😬 “живот болит! … уже не болит, но …

: Some instance decided Finland is the happiest country on Earth (again). I can’t help but think …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 77 Today’s sentences and words come with no external references intended. “кто обзывается, тот …

: Thinking of what food I love enough to change my name for a promotion Taiwan urges people not to …

: Thinking of writing a “how to contact me” page with steps like: send me a message, I will call …

: Telephone is starting to be a fundamentally broken method of communication because of the robocalls …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 76 Today I spent time learning the forms of ”to be”. I watched this video Interestingly you almost …

: There is a definite difference of just knowing that “Р” denotes the “r” sound in Russian …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 75 We had books on the floor today. “почему книга лежит на полу? подними книгу с пола!” “Why is there a …

: Why is it called non-breaking space when the only thing it does is to break things? Mostly my code …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 74 Today we were missing headphones: “где мои наушники? под кроватью” “Where are my headphones? Under …

: I think (purely my head canon, no actual anything to support this) that while Finland is just …

: Danish would be so much easier to follow if Danes didn’t hate the “r” sound. Why put it …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 73, Down, Above Continued working on prepositions and encountered this web page: Где? Откуда? Куда? - Where?- …

: Lot’s of fun coding today. CSS, React, Next.js. Next step is to get it running on Vercel. Planning …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 72 Todays three words all mean ”from” and are followed by genitive forms Words are: Из - from inside …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 71 This morning at five am someone tripped and fell over with Echo toppling over: “Älä kaada Alexaa!” …

: I wonder if this kind of design would work as an icon for a browser extension for markdown link …

: Ah, I wish I had time to do more stuff along these Creative Code algorithms & techniques lines. …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 70 Cleaning day. Or at least we should have had. We had the word for trash - мусор already. It will …

: Looking for icon inspiration Looking for ideas for a browser extension icon. Problem is the very small size: should be …

: What is the name of the phenomenon: when people see number “69” they automatically say …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 69 Nice! Getting vaccinated makes me dream of train rides already ”Приготовьте ваши билеты” ”Have your …

: One of the (Nordic) sports streaming services carries women’s football. I find it fascinating …

: Zero days since I’ve ignored “current directory might be different depending on the context” in my …

: It has looked like impending Spring for last two weeks, but Winter made a surprise comeback. Crisp …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 68 The most beautiful sentence in Finnish language: ”teille on varattu aika koronarokotukseen”. Getting …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 67 On theme of pop music we’ve lately listened to song “You Need to Calm Down” song by Taylor …

: More optimistic past Timo had reserved service time for his bicycle for today. Who would have …

: This voxel drawing CodePen has making circles and it still stuns me every time I encounter it …

: Thanks everyone for birthday wishes. Three more years to (age % 10 == 0), starting to feel a bit 👴

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 66, день рождения Today is my birthday and I will it use as an excuse to share one of my favourite Russian songs ever …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 65 Lazy, lazy day today. “буду весь день лежать на диване, смотреть телевизор и плевать в потолок” “I …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 64 It is almost my birthday: “у тебя скоро день рождения” “You have a birthday soon” “Syntymäpäiväsi on …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 63 Today I spent time trying to wrap my head around the Russian noun declension system. I guess I will …

: TIL (in Twitter of all the places). The original Muppet Show streams on Disney+ 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

: Turns out googling “voluptuous” will result in very interesting targeted advertising 🙈 (I was …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 62 I noticed бесценная i.e. priceless (as in the credit card ad priceless) in a hockey rink ad and …

: This Anti-Chicken Soup for Real Life | The World of Chinese on disillusionment of Chinese …

: I like Viewbox newsletter and especially the latest installment about generative SVG. Box #8 - …

: and how it is going today. Snow disappearing very, very fast

: Spring How it started (Feb 18th)

: defiance When my son was three I took him to art exhibition and that was not something he expected …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 61 Today I needed help: “не мог/могла бы ты мне помочь с этим?” “Could you help me with this” “Voisitko …

: Oh boy, I wish I could just get into my reading hammock today and not worry about work

: Sometimes you need the privacy and coolness of your private tent. Normal routine: kids want to sleep …

: I am one micro blog pin short of getting all of them (yes, I am a sucker for gamification). Now how …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 60 It is the 60th day of the year, time to learn some ordinals. It is “первый день весны”, “kevään …

: Am I taking this photo challenge too seriously if I pick photos in advance? Butbut my defiance photo …

: I love Grammarly but it makes me feel like “passive voice misuse” is my middle name 😒

: Day 29 of February(!) Photo Challenge is light. Nothing beats the summer sunset. Late July, 9:35pm. …

: Sunday coding got this far. Made my Scriptable based bus stop widget nicer and got pretty far with a …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 59 Today we celebrated Kalevala Day in Finland and Finnish culture. We are therefore going to pick high …

: Currently reading: Left Hand Of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚

: I am very excited that second book of Teixcalaan series, “A Desolation Called Peace” by Arkady …

: This frog looks up and wants some ice-cream

: I went to learn CSS and now going back to React feels like I forgotten everything. How do you keep …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 58, Learning Strategies Today’s post is a bit different. Let’s talk about three strategies - or perhaps more …

: As someone with no sense of fashion this is the closest I get to pompasetting. New shiny shoe days …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 57 Some easy words today. ”очень просто” ”очень сложно” ”very easy” ”very hard” ”tosi helppoa” ”tosi …

: I am much closer to getting a covid vaccination than I thought. If I lived in Espoo I would already …

: My favourite view in the world. View at Aulanko in Hämeenlinna, Finland. This one is postprocessed …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 56 We got some mixed news today, so we went with following sentence: ”забыть о вчерашнем. завтра будет …

: My setup for code and other serious computing

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 55 Today we compared personal assistants: “Toisin kuin Alexa, Siri osaa myös suomea.” “Unlike Alexa …

: This funny looking kid is my baby who back when the picture was taken had just learned how to sit …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 54 Sentence today answers the question ”когда” i.e. when. ”в пятницу через неделю” ”On next week’s …

: It is a banana. It is also a photo I have no explanation for

: Is there an easy way to see how many posts my micro blog has altogether?

: Yes, many meetings could have been an email but there are a lot of emails that could have been an …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 53 Sport(s) related sentence today. ”Кто-то забил гол” ”Somebody scored (a goal)” ”Joku teki maalin” …

: I find this demonstration of design tool concept What’s Glisp? super fascinating. I am almost …

: Spell Day 22 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge. Multiple rainbows are a sign of strong magic. …

: If you can point me to Wandavision deep dive podcasts, I am here for it…

: TV Series update I’ve completed a pair of books and have several in progress but this one is about other type …

: 3x365 Russian Words, day 52 Today I continued training with Clozemaster and encountered the word нибудь I didn’t know. Example …

: Colours or colors someone has created these cool ice flowers in our neighbourhood

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 51 Today, my Russian studies have consisted of going through the small, commonly used words. I tested …

: I wonder if snow counts as weather but that we have a lot this winter. Checked our allotment garden …

: Never was a big fan of Duolingo, now testing Clozemaster - better than Duolingo? to add some …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 50 Today I spent some time reading about the grammar of adjectives in Russian and learned a few of them …

: Day 19 of #mb Feb Photo Challenge alive. This hill was alive with kids running up and sliding down

: 3x363 Russian Words, Day 49 Today we compared notes on books we are going to read next: “Какие книги ты собираешься прочитать?” …

: Continuing with the at home theme. Second day of lent. Lunch is lentil soup with some hot sauce and …

: I love this view out of my kitchen window. With -16 Celsius it is better to be indoors at home and …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 48 Phew, used a taxi today and asked it: “остановитесь, пожалуйста, у того дома персикового цвета.” …

: This video goes after the vector illustration style currently in fashion. That style got stale very …

: Another embedded tweet comes with a nice Chrome browser dev tools tip: console.table() allows for a …

: NY Times profile of Corey Quinn, the snarky Cloud Economist, has this amazing sentence: An Oracle …

: Cost of Setting Up a Meeting Stumbled upon this Swedish tweet yesterday and my mind was blown with this insight: Jag har hittat …

: Day 17 of photo challenge still. July 26th 2018, it is 10.05pm, sun is about to set in 20 minutes. …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 47 Today is Maslenitsa or in Finland Laskiainen. In Russia you would eat blin and in Finland pea soup …

: I am probably the only person in the universe that liked “Terra Nova” TV series. It seems to …

: Day 16 of the February photo challenge erudite. This is some books from my this year’s book …

: Sunset at 5pm felt luxurious after winter darkness

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 46 Today, we will have some mild cursing (with links for those that want to go beyond mild curses) …

: Day 15 reflection is one of my favourite snaps from years ago when visiting Nokia offices in Espoo. …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 45 I think today was the first day of the year sun managed to warm a bit. There have been glorious …

: Day 14 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge compassion. Kids, they have moments like this in …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 44 Today I went through and reviewed numbers, just picking up some from there that have not been …

: This from 7 years ago: sand cake that my daughter did make for us. Looks delicious

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 43 Day 43 we ask, if you are afraid. Slavic cultures have Baba Yaga who is a supernatural being who …

: My favourite thing about sporg is that it reminds of one of the few nice things about Twitter when …

: I found this Lean LEGO – The red brick cancer – Hakan Forss’s Blog writing on resource …

: It would be fun to do some sort of summation of all the sporgs today on “kind” vs. …

: 3D slice of a four dimensional sporg captured on camera. That or panorama algorithm taking an …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 42 It is already day 42 of this year, what happened?! Today we are still interested in my sore throat: …

: Day 11: Machine. Perhaps not strictly a machine but I am a sucker for industrial dashboards. This is …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 41 Ah, today was an anxious day of waiting the results: “результаты анализа уже пришли?” “Did the …

: The happiest sentence in Finnish language: “Koronatestisi tulos oli negatiivinen” Not that I …

: This day has been like I had a full family of people in the back seat asking me ”are we there yet?” …

: Day 10 of photoblogging challenge is “Energy”. This is from October 2019 at the Boston Science …

: Covid test number 2 for myself ahead in the morning. I have some reasons to think I might be exposed …

: I find it heart warming that in web design we have almost come full circle from clip-art then to …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 40 Today’s sentence is simple: “живут как кошка с собакой” “They live like cats & dogs” …

: Day 9 mud. This is from almost exactly year ago. Much less snow, way more mud

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 39 Today we conjugated verbs, I conjugated haukotella which is Finnish for “to yawn”. In exchange, I …

: There is hope of more light and more warmth

: “Can you just record an audio with all forms of ‘haukotella’?” “🧐! All the forms?” Finnish verb …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 38 Yesterday, I was cleaning our home and my spouse was lying on sofa watching figure skating. And she …

: Phew, it is pretty hard to get my own image out of Instagram. Time to download everything and put to …

: Day 7 cravings I miss going to a concert to see symphony orchestra play and go grab pizza and beer …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 37 When I woke up I immediately sneezed loudly and my spouse asked: “ты чихаешь или кашляешь?” “Did you …

: This is a very old sports photo from probably late 80’s. It features me 🙈 and my dad as the coarch + …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 36 Today we are politely telling telemarketers to call us back tomorrow “не могли бы вы перезвонить мне …

: No pets at Koola residence. Our long term plan includes a rescue dog but so far these fellows are …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 35 Today, some basic daily sentences: “пойдем (идти) в магазин” “Let’s go to the store” “Mennään …

: Day 4 layers - not quite anymore, more like a heap, but there were several layers of snow before the …

: Are the any formal rules for sPoNgEbOb capitalisation? Strictly every other, or just every other, …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 34 Today we are going to learn names of colours: sininen - синий - Wiktionary - blue (dark) punainen - …

: I am so lucky I can see this hill from the comfort of my own home every day.

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 33 Today we spent so much figuring out the sentence for the day, we ended up saying: “давай придумаем …

: Morning brew on my messy home office desk

: I’ve been eyeing Apple Watch Series 6 because of the blood oxygen app and the for its …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 32 Got a hair cut, it was: “not good, not bad” “ни хорошо ни плохо” “ei hyvä, ei huono” Words …

: My partner wanted to cut my unruly social isolation hair. Plan A didn’t quite look right, Plan …

: This Making a Parallax SVG Landscape - new site part 1 - Alistair Shepherd web site is so cool. Some …

: Close up is the theme today on February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 31 First month of Russian studies are behind for me. I just cooked something nice and asked: “ты уже …

: It was such a lovely winter day today

: And this Wikipedia article goes through many other languages as well Names of the days of the week - …

: It started to bother me where Russian weekday names are derived and was surprised to find I didn’t …

: That tiny speck of red in the middle of snow and ice is a snowkiter gliding on ice

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 30 Today’s 3x365 Words in Russian we went through days of the week. This Finnish language resource is …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 29 Today, we had three Zoom or Team meetings running at times. Sentence for the naturally follows: “Не …

: Read: 📚 Taleb, Pratchett, Aristotle Quickly summing up the books that I’ve completed lately Skin in the Game by Nassim Nicholas Taleb …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 28 Out theme today “Could you take out the garbage, please?” “можешь вынести мусор, пожалуйста?” …

: This blog post from Hacking Chinese touches upon something I feel very strongly - learning languages …

: How would one discover micro.blog micro podcasts. I know about @monday - but what else is out there? …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 27 Today we were fighting over the last slice of pizza and needed the following phrase: “почему не …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 26 Today we are going to learn a question word “why”. In Finnish it is “miksi”, and in Russian …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 25 In theory our vocabulary today is 75 words strong today. I am very, very tired and our sentence …

: This is my occasional check of where I am going with my journey of learning Chinese characters. Last …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 24 Today we trained pronunciation of “З” so our words are perhaps less interesting: “я не знаю/ я занят …

: I hope some day I will have published a web page as awesome as Bruno Simon. Got there looking at his …

: I feel almost like Angus MacGyver when I push “ok” on my remote to keep TV from turning itself …

: For future reference for myself when I search how to create an Alfred - Productivity App for macOS …

: This is what +3 and rain does to winter wonderland…

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 23 Today’s words are topical: Митинг в Якутске. Там мороз -50 градусов. pic.twitter.com/d9LoPmS6p7 …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 22 After three weeks(?) of nice winter we got a rain and +3℃. What else can you say than: “мокро и …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 21 Day 21, we need caffeine to power through blizzard. “где мой каппучино?” “Where is my cappuccino?” …

: 3x365 Russian words, day 20 Already day 20! I think some kind of review day will be needed soon but at least today we’ll go with …

: Celebrating this moment Diamond Joe style with a can of beer Biden Says Life Better Than It Was 4 …

: My mom died just a couple of weeks before Trump got elected and I now just remembered that watching …

: Kissanpolkka, Flohwalzer... This Wikipedia article on Flohwalzer is amazing in many ways but, but Sweden, what on Earth? …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 19 Today we go with small talk about weather: “какая сегодня погода?” “How is the weather today?” …

: Quick test of something…

: Some brave football (soccer) kids practicing while it was -7℃ 🥶

: 3x365 Russian Words, day 18 Today we get along with easy sentence: “хочу шоколадку” “I want (some) chocolate” “Haluan suklaata” …

: 3x365 Russian words, day 17 New tools to the toolbox, ways to ask for linguistic advice: ”Как сказать по-русски” ”how do you say …

: Some brave people walked and ski’d on sea ice already.

: It was another glorius, sunny day in Helsinki today

: 3x365 Finnish(!) words, Day 16 As I said in Timo Koola · 3x365 Russian Words, Day 16 we have separate lesson for Finnish today. Our …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 16 Today we needed separate Russian and Finnish classes (see next post). My spouse is several years …

: 3x365 Words of Russian, Day 15 Like yesterday Timo Koola · 3x365 Russian Words, Day 14 - Small-talk! and tomorrow we learned some …

: So pretty, so -22 centigrade 🥶🥶🥶

: It was very beautiful today, if a tad bit too cold for my liking. Went from -13℃ to almost -19℃ now …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 14 - Small-talk! Today, tomorrow we will do some small-talk bits in Russian and Finnish. “Как дела? - Хорошо.” …

: All my kids are now in double-digits. Lately idea of adding a new member of family in form of a …

: 3x365 Russian Words, day 13 Today’s phrase is topical: “везде сугробы!” “(There are) snowbanks everywhere” “Lumikinoksia …

: I think winter 20/21 will be “when I was a kid…” moments my kids will tell their grandchildren …

: Read: To Sell is Human by Daniel H. Pink 📚 I completed first book of 2021 already few days ago (but then again started it in 2020 🙃) To Sell is …

: New weather, who dis?

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 12 Today’s phrase is again winter related: “карман моей зимней куртки” “Pocket of my winter …

: I think almost all headphone reviews miss the point that makes Airpods succesful. Yes, I can find …

: Found this interesting The Play, the points, and the biggest lie in software. Been thinking about …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 11 Today’s sentence is: “мои зимние ботинки” “My winter shoes” “Mun talvikengät” (this is …

: This photo was taken by my brother a week ago in Hämeenlinna

: 3x365 Russian words, day 10 Day 10 we spent a lot of time concentrating on pronunciation. I have trouble with Russian sounds “ж” …

: Today was a sunny, crisp winter day and kids got to slide down a hill on a sled.

: 3x365 words, day 9 Today, no time for full Russian lesson, so going to teach myself some numbers. 1, 2, 3 I already …

: 3x365 Russian words, day 8 Todays words come from a sentence: ”I am baking (cinnamon buns)” ”Minä leivon pullaa” ”Я пеку …

: Preaching to the choir, but You should start a blog today : hamatti.org. Good points, even if one …

: 3x365 Russian Words, Day 7 Again something lifted from the real life - goes well together with day 4. “извини, что накричал” …

: My kids suggested following alternatives to WhatsApp: Discord E-mail Paper letters I guess that …

: I wish (external) Magic keyboard came with a fingerprint scanner. I love the MBP scanner, but in …

: I wonder if anyone is using something like Slack or Discord for family communications?

: I think I finally will have to start migrating away from Facebook properties. Facebook itself will …

: I missed most of the yesterday’s events being busy elsewhere but 💔 for USA. Populists flirting …

: Filed under: sloppy game level design in the real world. Unjustified pumping station in a corner of …

: 3x365 Russian words, day 6 Today’s sentence and words are: “не забудь вернуть подушки” “Älä unohda palauttaa tyynyjä” …

: 3x365 Russian words, Day 5 Today’s words are: ты - you (singular) - sinä новый - new - uusi телефон - a phone - puhelin We …

: Daily snowy forest photo from Alppiruusupuisto, Helsinki

: 3x365 Russian words, day 4 Three daily Russian words today form a sentence: “кто здесь шумит?”, in Finnish “kuka meluaa …

: Toying around with wide lens in a snowy forest.

: Three Russian words for the day налево - to the left - vasemmalle направо - to the right - oikealle …

: We have snow! Amazing how much more light there is now

: 365x3 Russian words, day 2 Turns out spoken Russian is like spoken French. One needs to learn it with ears not eyes (of course …

: I am pretty sure this is the oldest standing signpost in Helsinki 🙃. Spotted on my walk today, it …

: 365 x 3 words Started a three words a day year with my spouse. She will teach me three words of Russian every day …

: New year’s walk past our little waterfall. We should have a proper winter coming at us on Sunday, …

: Hindsight is 2020 I am this blog post away from 2020 being completed for me. I won’t be missing this year and …

: Quick walk with new shoes. This was the most snow I saw.

: I wish Apple had its own, solid password manager with family sharing. I love 1password but it has so …

: Run iTerm in Rosetta(2) Daily tech tip from a random SO answer. One can run iTerm over Rosetta which pretty much takes away …

: Current weather: wet

: Another waterfall photo to conclude the busiest microblogging day for me ever.

: I am worried about options and competition in traditional, micro-computer style Personal Computers …

: Thing that I encountered through CodePen newsletter css-doodle. Is very nice. Maybe some day I will …

: I think I might need to publish my very simple Chrome browser plugin to create markdown link for a …

: Completed: City of illusions by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚 This was the final fiction book of the year, another Hainish Cycle book that I liked a lot. It tells …

: First impression of M1 Macbook Pro Never get M1 Mac unless you are ready to replace every Mac in your household. Have my work stuff on …

: I am person who thinks in lists, processes, check-lists, and templates. I wonder if writing a …

: For me definite end of Christmas proper is when the pizza 🍕 is delivered on the first week day after …

: Read: We Burnt $72K testing Firebase + Cloud Run and almost went Bankrupt I am all in on cloud and on serverless and this kind of thing keeps me awake at night. Turns out, …

: Very anxiously waiting for my new M1 Macbook Pro that is scheduled to arrive today.

: Gearing up for winter - getting merino wool under pants and shirt and winter boots with studs …

: Current snow conditions: almost

: What would be a minimal app with terminal shortcuts to play mp3s on a Mac? Default music client …

: Started reading: To Sell Is Human by Daniel H. Pink 📚

: My daughter has a very cool office corner.

: The shortest day of the year made even shorter by a grey sky

: I find iPhone Pro night mode fascinating even if results are perhaps a little too algorithm-y. …

: Apple TV has a Mariah Carey’s Christmas Special. This. This is awesome.

: Read: City of Exile by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚 Completed: Planet Of Exile by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚 A second story in Hainish cycle. Novella length (a …

: Another reminder that CSS is not that hard and things that were difficult are nowadays easy to …

: Going through my old tweets and it seems I have many cat related hot-takes. (Yes, I am a dog person)

: True Horror Been going through my tweets archive in order to build a static blog around the content. Mostly …

: Currently reading: Planet Of Exile by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚. This followed by City of Illusions will …

: Guess which movie we saw yesterday. 😬

: No snow, clouds low but weather is pleasant.

: It is that time of year. Finnish joulutorttu (puff pastry with plum marmelade)

: Read 📚: ”Yiddish Policemen’s Union” by Michael Chabon and ”The Responsibility Process: Unlocking Your Natural Ability to Live and Lead with Power” by Christopher Avery Completed two 📕 books this week: ”Yiddish Policemen’s Union” by Michael Chabon and ”The …

: I like how Amos Rex museum’s entrance looks like at dark with its neon light glow

: I love Hover, but I wish there was a way to export DNS records as a text file (and if there is and I …

: Github has a very delightful toggle for switching between light and dark mode. Need to dig into its …

: I wonder if anyone has written a good instructions alt texts from the viewpoint of someone who …

: This cool and useful website teaching (e.g.) scientific notation is refreshingly 1998 Scientific …

: Favourite thing about this WFH year has been ability to go out for a walk at lunchtime. I have a …

: Spotted this CSS styling of Accessible Custom Toggle Switch from CodePen newsletter. Looks very …

: Disney+ has a full album length(and some more material) play through/documentary of Taylor Swift’s …

: A great sentence from ”Yiddish Policemen’s Union” by Michael Chabon It’s not light oozing through …

: Sadly eye-rolling emoji was not available in the personalization options. I kind of had decided to …

: Looks interesting, need to read it later: Sentia Techblog | AWS re:Invent 2020 Day 3: Optimizing …

: Advent of code moving from “fun” to “this feels like work”. I wish my code …

: It is 3.30pm and sun set 15 minutes ago. Luckily, we got a full day of sunshine today.

: Happy 103th birthday Finland 🇫🇮. One of the weirder ones of recent history but vaccine is hopefully …

: I’ve seen a lot of snow in my life but never experienced ‘thundersnow’ (Scotland - …

: Thinking of publishing my old tweets archive as a simple blog and now going through some horribly …

: Saving this one for a later read. How Amazon uses formal methods when building AWS: …

: This tool looks very interesting: a browser plugin to extract Tailwind CSS code for elements on a …

: Today’s Day 3 - Advent of Code 2020 task tripped me right in the beginning (off-by-one, sigh), but …

: Today’s Day 2 - Advent of Code 2020 gave me already more headache. Used from functools import …

: Testing iPhone 12 Pro in nightish conditions

: I for one love to dive into Spotify Stories of the year people are sharing. I always find new stuff …

: Nose of the God This goal is dubbed “Nose of the God” by Finnish media. Went directly to Finnish sports history …

: CSS and User Font Size Preference This quote gets me every time: there are more users who adjust their default font size in browser …

: Reading it because I am going through the excellent Learn Eleventy From Scratch - Piccalilli course …

: This is interesting post about how to defer loading of some CSS Modern Asynchronous CSS Loading | …

: WDIBI VI: Aggressively Automate your Workflow Last time I touched upon the subject I wrote about downright avoiding additional code - because …

: I don’t think I’ve ever used reduce function in a way that I didn’t end up …

: I usually avoid puzzle type of coding challenges but at least Day 1 - Advent of Code 2020 was very …

: I know M1 Macbook Pro isn’t really cheaper its predecessor was but still felt cheaper. I gave …

: Offensive New Customer Discounts There must be a way for companies to offer new customer discounts without it being downright …

: This year has reinforced my belief in ownership of my own content. I am at most a visitor on social …

: I do have a winter tires for my bike but now that working from home is the default option again, I …

: Every now and then I check my progress in learning Chinese characters. While I may lack innate grasp …

: I am already thinking of the future point in time I will not wear a mask for shopping or a train or …

: I thought “misclick” really should be “mistap” when our primary computing devices are …

: Instagram, goodbye to the last good social media? I don’t get the changes in Instagram lately. What is it that Instagram wants me to do and what …

: Next up on my reading list is ”The Yiddish Policemen’s Union” by Michael Chabon📕. Then will …

: Read: Excession by Iain M. Banks 📚 Finished ”Excession” by Iain M. Banks. After the ”The Player of Games” this is my favourite so far …

: Finnish railways adjusted their info screens and I don’t get how this passed any reviews. Text size …

: My favourite part of Thanksgiving: prime time (American rules) football on a weekday.

: When was the last time you didn’t know what time it is? I mean for hours you didn’t need …

: My bedside setup was upgraded from regular Qi-charger to MagSafe one. One sentence review: …

: Generally, I try to buy stuff that I’ve already planned to get as a Christmas gift or digital …

: My first Black Friday purchase of the year was a pro access for year to Meng To’s designcode …

: Solving a bug with multiple sources calling one function and that function trying to combine the …

: Filed under - something I read about CSS today: Animating a mobile menu | letorey.co.uk

: I’ve been meaning to write a blog post “everyone is a beginner” but I don’t need to …

: Good service, Smiley service Provision is a hard word to drop into a natural blog post. All I say that big part of a great …

: Learning languages I really would like to start learning a new language. Four years in I have a good continuous …

: Which M1 Mac? I have hard time deciding which way to go with M1 macs. Air probably would be the long lasting one, …

: Kid broke a phone and we needed to set a time and place for our meeting (to get a new phone of …

: This principle is probably formalized or named by someone, but got bitten again by it: one should …

: Tried to capture a group of kindergarten kids playing but they are tiny. Weather has been very, very …

: We briefly crossed the border of winter Friday but now back to relatively warm weather

: Christmas Light City

: One day of winter was followed by another warm and wet storm day. November darkness upon us like a …

: I opened teletext this morning (old habits die really hard) and my kid asked if that service exists …

: Tail ends of a very late summer storm fade away and turned first into snow and then we get sun ❤️

: It is possible we are going to set up the Christmas tree already today. I love Christmas time, I …

: Today I fought Python requests or rather Jira API library in an environment with a hand-crafted …

: Reading a delightful Piccalilli newsletter and found this two gems: A Single Div CSS art and …

: Dependence on email means that I have to keep up renewing a domain I really don’t need nor …

: Speaking of CSS. Today I’ve read this CSS tricks article on gradients: A Complete Guide to CSS …

: Hmm, I’ve so far ignored the bookmarking feature of micro.blog but suddenly realized I could perhaps …

: I’ve thought of moving from Spotify to Apple Music, mainly for consolidating invoices, but kids have …

: This made me laugh out loud (1) Douglas Merrill on Twitter: “@tom_nuttall When the first …

: Today I will try to teach myself CSS flexbox. If I had more energy I would work on my first proper …

: I wonder what would be the best way to improve “SEO” on my micro.blog blog? I wish it was the first …

: Read: Every Layout by Heydon Pickering & Andy Bell Read a very nice book about foundations of CSS lay outing (think box model and centering, not …

: Read a book so far into the night that my memory failed me and forgot to write a #mbnov post. Trying …

: I both love spooky movies and I also am terrible at handling them. I am soon 50 and still sleep with …

: I guess I am too sleepy to watch through Lost World: Jurassic Park II, but it won’t stop me from …

: Hard to decide what to wear when most days are ”unseasonally warm” as they nowadays are and some …

: In recent days I’ve used a lot of Amazon Polly and Mac’s say command to generate speech. I …

: Bring it on!

: Reading ”Excession” by Iain M. Banks and this sentence: An Outside Context Problem was the sort of …

: WDIBI V: Avoid Adding Code In principle, I believe that as a programmer I should write as few lines of code as possible. Line …

: Early morning Chinese lesson about to start. I hope when I am an elderly person all this brain …

: WDIBI IV: Be Conservative - Except Sometimes Today, in “What do I believe in as a developer” I will shortly lay ground for next few days with two …

: My Python setup This post is mostly used to document my current Python setup before I get my next Mac where I am …

: Sun is shining, sold a long project, there is a working vaccine for Covid and orange menace is gone. …

: Did something very simple today with AWS Amplify: Timo Koola Picture. Thinking of writing a blog …

: Bind was one of those words I needed a dictionary check on. Not that I didn’t know the primary …

: Bad week - Good weekend This week was so stressful I dropped everything from blogging to even not reading a book for three …

: Feels like my balloon has been inflated

: In other news, HJK Helsinki won the Finnish football championship for men for the 30th time making …

: Just in case it comes necessary for anyone, Finland is having a lottery of free relocation packages …

: Git vs. Mercurial Discussed about how Git won (especially against Mercurial I was a huge fan of) with a friend (don’t …

: For no particular reason this is what I’ve learned on how I can deal with bullies: never stoop …

: I must say I am this close to loving the 🍑 state.

: Too tired today for anything useful but at least near to being somewhat happy.

: Yes, this is what one would expect from 2020.

: Personal Projects - DoD Do you have a “Definition of Done” Definition of Done by one of the Scrum institutions for your …

: WDIBI III: Embrace the Platform Jumping around in my list of SW related foundational beliefs I picked up today: Embrace the Platform …

: I feel gloomy and pessimistic today, both hope and dread US will astonish us today one way or the …

: What are the things you want to see in a book review or a book recommendation? Personally, I am …

: I have been very tense for last week or so and only realized what it was about when found out that I …

: Weird day, I have no book in progress (apart from Smoke and Mirrors audiobook). I have several …

: WDIBI II: Choose Speed Yesterday I wrote about fun WDIBI I: Programming should be fun // Timo Koola. Today I am going to …

: Busy day today, both customer and own company needs love and care today. Taking care of chores first …

: Book 📚 update Haven’t had a book update for a while, and have read four books since the last one. First, I …

: WDIBI I: Programming should be fun I think there is a certain sub-population of programmers that think one should be programming also …

: SW Developer: What do I believe in I have had a What do you Believe in as a SW Developer? // Timo Koola blog post brewing in me for …

: Further away this looked like a yellow balloon hovering in air. Gave me Pennywise vibes 😰

: Nov 1st feels

: Nov 1st and despite the dreary weather I saw someone jog in a short sleeve and shorts. I salute that …

: I like these whatever they are in Hyväntoivonpuisto park in Helsinki.

: Whenever I see fog I remember someone telling me it is just universe is doing some heavy rendering …

: Helsinki subway system is not impressive in any way - about 25km of tracks in Y-shape. But at least …

: So much yellow

: Amazon.se opened and while I am thinking what it means for Finland I got stuck at ”acceptera kakor” …

: Autumn, normal time is here. Trying to cope with idea of 4.40pm sunset

: I am not much of a baseball person but got to see last few innings of the last night’s game and that …

: Reading book version of Every Layout by Andy Bell and Heydon Pickering and I love this quote …

: Usually Disney is the company does internationalizations 100% correct. Dubbing of movies for …

: And this one made me laugh out loud Dead Broets Society: The Story Behind the Strange and …

: This story made me chuckle Canadian town of Asbestos chooses new name - World news - The Guardian

: Are there formal rules for SpongeBob capitalisation “LiKe ThIs”?

: My brother sent me this this morning 🥶 (from Hämeenlinna, Finland). Somehow we went directly from …

: Saving this for later reading - apparently zero based indexing came after one based indexing …

: Learned a new word today: ha-ha

: Crisp beautiful days but nights are getting cold

: Sunrise in Helsinki in 20 minutes but it is not dark anymore.

: I wonder why getting payments through to Apple is so darn difficult. Pretty much only retailer I …

: Have picked up both “Barrayar” and “Use of Weapons” but my new Scriptable addiction is eating …

: Haven’t made a 📚update even if I completed two books. Promise to get back to those over the …

: New Scriptable widget showing departures on the closest bus stop down the street or near the …

: The part of Espoo, Finland where I go to visit my customer is not the prettiest but at least today …

: Another day, another Scriptable widget. This time it is a random HSK 3 grammar item from Chinese …

: I hear a pacific blue iPhone Pro Max screaming my name.

: I was thinking no sports today but then remembered my favourite sports event - new iPhone release is …

: Rainbow just before sunset in Espoo, Finland today.

: Node.js snippet for quick json creation from scraped webpage Just a quick snippet to build up a json file of all the HSK 3 grammar points in Chinese Grammar Wiki …

: No filters needed Autumn from the weekend at Aulanko, Hämeenlinna

: Ok, I am very late to the party but Scriptable app is amazing! Just created a widget and a Siri …

: My brother has entertained me today with question: what would the localized versions of “no shit …

: I wonder if there is a name to feeling that there is something that you can well afford but because …

: Online text to iOS widget? I wonder if some app already comes with following: post a text online, have that text appear on an …

: Today four years ago my mom died unexpectedly. Time is a great healer but still miss the greatest …

: I think I’ve said it before but I think sidebar for year 2020 of a future history book will be …

: I like new looks of micro.blog clients. Very clean

: I don’t want to celebrate early but pipenv seems to resolve many of the issues I have had with …

: One year since I closed my main Twitter account. Not sure I can measure the benefits properly with …

: Colours of autumn are here

: A cool, foggy sunrise from Tapiola, Espoo. Things you can only catch on a bike commute

: I told my kids to download Widgetsmith but they already had done it. Turns out, people are very …

: Those ”this day in xxxx” features can be so - for the lack of a better word - cruel. Now some …

: Live footage* of our robot overlords taking their first steps in world domination (or mowing the …

: Read: “Midnight in Chernobyl” 📚 by Adam Higginbotham Completed “Midnight in Chernobyl” 📚 by Adam Higginbotham. Most of the time I thought that I should …

: Let’s see how this GIF iOS Photos created works. This was a nice summer day in Saarijärvi, Finland …

: I like palindromes but never seen anything like this 🤯 Su Hui: The Ancient Chinese Palindrom Poet | …

: 🤞for iOS 14 update. I have not used the betas but now going to take a deep dive with 14.0

: Mac expectations If I was Apple and coming out with Apple Silicon Macs, I would come out with $799 12” Macbook …

: Good morning from Helsinki. Summer is gone, sun rises just before seven

: Programming comes with days that you can’t get a three line code change to compile and you …

: I work and write mostly in English and I still constantly think how I will never master it like I do …

: My family goes through lightning cables at such pace I might as well have a monthly subscription

: The Athletic has a €/$1 per month offer in celebration of their one million subscriptions. Now I …

: Whatever I have saved on events, dining and travel this year has been given to providers of …

: CSS-Tricks, Chris Coyier: All the Ways to Make a Web Component is an interesting comparison on …

: Next book 📚 I will now visit Chernobyl again with “Midnight in Chernobyl” by Adam Higginbotham. I …

: Read: Memory Called Empire 📚 Today I completed “Memory Called Empire” by Arkady Martine (audiobook version). This book got …

: Another link to read later is this UICollectionView summary by Swift by Sundelll Building modern …

: This blog post about shell scripting looks very good, need to go through it and its links.

: Read: Colour of Magic Turns out “Colour of Magic” 📚 by Terry Pratchett was a quick read. While I am not 100% of the …

: Rainy day today so will have time to continue my journey on 100 days of SwiftUI, now on day 26. I …

: Currently reading: The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett 📚 I am now 50 pages in and not completely …

: Books, books, books Speaking of books. I am already thinking what would be the main theme for me in books 📖 2021. This …

: Read: Shards of Honor  📖 Because at every once in a while one needs to read a space opera, I picked up Shards of Honor by …

: I think I found my next word lists to study: What important words are missing from TOCFL? | Hacking …

: This is an excellent feature of the web platform Help users change passwords easily by adding a …

: My favourite kind of programming blog post is the kind that offers a peek into someone’s …

: Also read: Should you learn the pronunciation of radicals? | Hacking Chinese

: For later reading: 10 lesser-known Web APIs you may want to use

: Summer Reading Summary Book Update I’ve read a couple of books since the last time I wrote about them and I forced …

: Going to be tested for Corona today (luckily this should be just in case test) and not sure if I …

: Totally stole this thought from someone but good thing about getting old is that every screen is now …

: Foam Reading about different kinds of advanced note taking strategies, frameworks, and tools after …

: I’ve lived five years without a dishwasher and after getting one I feel like I have a British butler …

: I have made my peace with Firefox changes, but absolutely shocked about laying off the MDN team. I …

: How to build a nuclear warning for 10,000 years’ time - BBC Future. I am a sucker for stories like …

: I wonder if anyone else has seen (or rather not seen) an issue with Twitter images? It is like they …

: I just suddenly remembered very Canadian Stockphotos Gallery | CIRA and started laughing

: Very much enjoying the new Taylor Swift album. The best of her after “Red” and “1989”

: Reading through excellent A Best in Class iOS App by Jordan Morgan

: I remember we talked about analysis paralysis when I was a junior developer. Haven’t heard that term …

: Reading Your blog doesn’t need a JavaScript framework /// Iain Bean while itching to go try Eleventy …

: ”On Top Of Everything, Man’s Allergies Also Acting Up” This hits home. Thanks every tree making my throat itch in an anxiety inducing way. On Top Of …

: I have had very busy two weeks moving between apartments but now finally a first day I can do stuff …

: Read: Consider Phlebas and Rocannon's World Book update: Finished reading both Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks and Rocannon’s World by …

: I may be easily distracted by candy but I think MacOS Big Sur looks very nice. I acknowledge the …

: I am inexplicably intrigued by the upcoming Eurovision Netflix comedy Movie Review: Netflix’s …

: What do you Believe in as a SW Developer? Lately I’ve pondered the following question: what are the things that I believe in as a …

: Nice quick help if one needs to handle RTL languages like Arabic in UIs with zero understanding of …

: This is a great list of things that are new for SwiftUI at Hacking with Swift: What’s new in SwiftUI …

: Very much enjoyed both the delivery and the content of WWDC keynote.

: Today’s digital purchase was “Learn Eleventy From Scratch” course by Andy Bell. Very …

: As someone who got in to Macs with PowerBook G4 I am very interested to hear how ARM transition is …

: Filed under “some day I will be looking for CSS grid reference/cheat sheet” Grid Cheatsheet

: I wonder what happened to Playdate December Update? I was quite intrigued about the idea but no …

: Read: Among Others, Ancillary Justice, Catastrophe 1914 Seems I have missed an update on books I’ve read recently. Among Others by Jo Walton is an …

: Smart-TV Features Scored for a Busy Product Manager For second time in about a year I am buying a TV. This time I am looking to add a smallish TV to my …

: Read: Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick Completed Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick. Rarely I do complain that book was too short but …

: Couple of esoteric styling options for your web pages: LaTeX.css — Make your website look like a …

: Updated my list of The Incomparable episodes for Hugo and Nebula nominees with the latest The …

: Another blog post with a same “maybe we shouldn’t build all web on SPAs” in Swift by Sundell: Why …

: Reading Second-guessing the modern web - macwright.org and re-examining many of my own assumptions. …

: Read: Dune + Red Mars On my mission to fill in the blanks on my sci-fi finished reading Frank Herbert’s Dune and Red …

: Read: 7 things you were taught in Chinese class that are actually wrong A list of simplifications one might have heard about learning Chinese language 7 things you were …

: I am terrible at non basic colour names. Violet, lilac, purple, indigo they are all the same for me

: Blue light in this photo of my daughter on her phone. #mbmay colour challenge day 5

: Plenty of green in this summer photo for #mbmay

: Yellow is the colour today #mbmay challenge. I am happy we get to experience all of summer before …

: There is something orange in the #mbmay pic from year 2018. There is also my kid fooling around

: Past Me in Digital? Procrastinating with a site idea and my Twitter archive. Would it make sense to setup a website that …

: Colour-a-day challenge: red. Photos app thinks this is red wine but IIRC this was some Chinese local …

: Reason I’ve been toying with audio and audio programming is that I would like to build …

: Lately been toying around with all kinds of sound stuff from AudioKit - Powerful audio synthesis, …

: The Natural Experiment - 99% Invisible One of those 99 Percent Invisible episodes that are just very much an episode of 99 Percent …

: Reading in May All of a sudden I have four books that I am reading: Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson (as an …

: Nice concise summary of current changes in upcoming Python release 3.9: Martin Heinz - Personal …

: Read: The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell Finished The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. The first 85% I loved the book so much, probably more …

: This looks like an interesting take on Python object model ClassForge is a better object system for …

: Quantum Thief Finished Quantum Thief by Hannu Rajaniemi (mostly as an audiobook, though I also had it on my Kindle …

: Two quick picks about learning CSS and attitude problems “real developers” seem to have …

: Other quarantine activities: while I have continued my Chinese studies I also picked up basics of …

: Speaking of Sci-fi. I am reading two books now (to be exact the other one is an audio book): Quantum …

: Things that I have learnt while fixing the holes in my sci-fi reading: if you have a mutiny on …

: After finishing all the Expanse out there (before book 9 comes), I have read more Sci-Fi. Finished …

: This is the kind of attention to detail I enjoy very much: Which is better on Android: divide by 2 …

: SwiftUI is very convenient for building up throwaway UIs for testing, prototyping and used as a …

: Bug hunting Amazingly satisfying to hunt down a bug that has been eluding me for a week. Long story short: * If …

: Was almost sure Tiger King wouldn’t live up to the hype, but I was very wrong. I literally said WTF …

: I’ve two short stories left to read but other than that I’ve consumed all of Expanse universe …

: For few days I’ve been thinking what are old normal things I will most relish when I get to do them …

: If times were different I would be jumping to new iPad Pro very soon but now buying one seems very …

: Trying to get a recipe renewed before the second wave of reality hits Finland and I am seeing 503s …

: Today remote work, tomorrow there will be a day at the very empty office with extra precautions, …

: COVID-19 Have not written about COVID-19 as I have trouble integrate my individual level calmness with my …

: Reading: Project LightSpeed Reading Project LightSpeed: Rewriting Messenger to be faster, smaller, and simpler with approving …

: TIL: many birds sunbathe: Hot, Bothered, and Parasite-free: Why Birds Sun Themselves | Audubon

: This I have been thinking about a lot lately: how people treat politics like it was a team sport …

: Reusing pic from January for escape. Take this bridge to escape the city and get into dark forest …

: A lot of roadwork around my home but from the correct angle you just see the winter sun and not the …

: Read something about things very close to my heart: studying, Spaced repetition, and Anki software …

: Reading: Teaching ReactiveX (and a lot of other things) Like Skiing A very good read on why ReactiveX (or Combine) is made unnecessary hard to learn. Teaching ReactiveX …

: Another morning walk in around lake Aulangonjärvi

: Forty years ago today: the greatest moment in ice hockey history The Miracle on Ice - USA vs. USSR. …

: This was an interesting read on migrating from rules based classifier to machine learning based …

: TIL about sips command in macOS. No more imagemagick scripts for resizing a batch of images. Bumped …

: After a long few years of Android use finally back to iPhone (11, 128GB, yellow). The last new …

: Made a search “rest” to my Google Photos and this poster showed up. I have no recollection of …

: Working on a tiny iOS app for myself and waiting for the endless rain to pause so I could hit the …

: Some “warmth” #mbfeb . Sun is still not climbing very high this north, but I can at least imagine it …

: I was today’s year old that I (probably re-)discovered killall command. For long I’ve …

: Long, but interesting read on people of very high age and verifying it Was Jeanne Calment the Oldest …

: Very peculiar IG spam lately. People have copied over bio text of Ulysses Reader (@UlyssesReader) / …

: I love Twenty Thousand Hertz podcast in general but this episode about creation of Seinfeld’s …

: My top one pet peeve is that people don’t put weekdays into their invites. “Please join us on …

: Reading a good summary of all 69 (nice!) Python builtins: Python built-ins worth learning - Trey …

: Very atypical January weather +7 Centigrade and sunshine. If the sun wasn’t so low I’d …

: The Internet of Beefs Interesting but perhaps a bit too long read on Internet battle grounds. Quote Online public spaces …

: Read Goodbye, Clean Code — Overreacted with satisfaction.

: You wake up in your own bedroom. It is dark outside. What are the sounds you can hear? Can you tell …

: SwiftUI snippet to copy text to clipboard Quick SwiftUI snippet to copy text to clipboard by clicking a button: Button(action: { let …

: Putting on my to read list: The Death of the Good Internet Was an Inside Job | The New Republic

: Ugh, writing C code and messing up a header guard (two different headers had the same by accident) …

: Weather in Finland has been horribly non-wintery lately: dark, relatively warm, and snowless. Only …

: Today I am reading: AI won’t save healthcare by Vicki Boykis How things that feel recent are …

: I have been watching Lost along with The Storm: A Pop Culture Podcast but none of the Finnish …

: Occassionally I remember NHL ‘95 NHL 95 PC - Gameplay part 1 of 3 - YouTube and get very nostalgic. …

: GPT-2 meets Christmas carols AI Weirdness • The AI’s Carol Don’t miss the awesome tweet …

: For few days I’ve spent circling this idea: “SW engineer achieves much better results by being …

: Year 2019 in Review My somewhat random top 3 of 2019 Great Sports year This year was in personal terms the best sports …

: Nice, first lunchtime walk of 2020 around Häme castle in Hämeenlinna

: Happy New Year 2020 from Finland! 新年快乐!

: Adding Digitransit API GraphQL to an Swift project This is a step by step instructions on how to add GraphQL API of Finnish public transportation …

: TIL about CBOR — Concise Binary Object Representation | Overview. Need to have a look

: Joy of Missing Out After quitting Twitter I have had my share of FOMO moments but all and all it has been more of a …

: Random TV/Streaming tip: Russian national championships for figure skating are streamed free and …

: Code Kata 4 Just a brief write up on code kata 4 Kata04: Data Munging - CodeKata where the task is to write a …

: Sci-fi that turned real There must be an early 80’s science fiction story where kids of an advanced civilization carry a …

: So many ideas for a post but I feel like I just want to write code on my spare time. Need to …

: This is quite awesome and fun 文言, or wenyan, is an esoteric programming language that closely …

: Putting on my reading list: An Introduction to Complex Systems Science and its Applications — New …

: Reading Why is Not an Accordion - daverupert.com. Shocking tidbit: In a world where 97.8% of sites …

: Code(less) kata 3 Today I am working on (non-coding) Code Kata 3 Kata03: How Big? How Fast? - CodeKata. And I finished …

: Today I am reading: Web Performance Calendar » The unseen performance costs of CSS-in-JS in React …

: Code Kata 2 I now have implemented two different implementations of Code Kata 2 Kata02: Karate Chop - CodeKata. …

: Should I code a bit for fun or go to bed like a responsible adult I am?

: The probably incomplete list of The Incomparable Hugo and Nebula episodes This is mostly for my own reference. I am building a reading list for year 2020 and started to go …

: Swift Code Kata Started my journey in learning Swift coding in earnest today. Eventually I want to be able to …

: Black Friday shopping This year, like many years before, my Black Friday shopping was mostly digital with an exception of …

: I like this deep learning keyboard from AWS One of those “I wish I had time” things would be to make …

: Amazing morning walk in a forest where winter is doing its best to win over the last bits of autumn …

: Flu shot season I think this only happens to you if you are very pedantic like me and non-Native English speaker. …

: All the TVs I regularly see have “attach USB memory device to record”-functionality, but I don’t …

: A first for me in learning Chinese: Spotted a typo (most likely pinyin keyboard error) in a Chinese …

: Bought a mouse for Raspberry Pi setup needs and it turns out nowadays nobody sells plain old mice …

: Adding this “Machine learning systems design” by Chip Huyen to my work related reading list: …

: Q: How do people cultivate and keep track of their ideas? Do you have a note book? Do you have a …

: Something cool I stumbled into today in Twitter: LegraJS a simple Javascript library for making Lego …

: Currently reading My current book queue is themed “read books that went to Amazon Video”. Just finished “The Good …

: Sunday coding Some Sunday coding: created a Chrome browser plugin that copies a title of the current page and its …

: Quick updates: Python 3.8 is now supported run time in AWS Lambda AWS Lambda now supports Python 3.8 …

: Tool in the style of Can I use for checking how your colour combinations work for different kind of …

: Another Chinese gotcha I had no idea was happening: sometimes you read from right to left instead of …

: Cool in London One of the coolest and most useful uses of modern tech is that Transport for London supports Apple …

: Finland, Finland, Finland Great night in Finland yesterday as Finland’s men qualify for a major tournament first time …

: Reading: The new dot com bubble is here: it’s called online advertising I am late to the party but very impressed with The new dot com bubble is here: it’s called online …

: Big Day Today in Finland Big day for Finnish sports today. First ever qualification for major tournament for men’s …

: Turns out my next laptop will cost more than 4000 euros. Apology accepted, Apple

: I love how nowadays there is a separate selection of non-alcoholic and low alcohol beer in grocery …

: Feeling a sting reading this blog post titled The Department of Useless Images . Just intentionally …

: This is what greeted me this morning in Helsinki. Not quite ready for winter yet…

: From simplified to traditional Started adding traditional Chinese characters to my learning queue and it seems to be the thing I …

: Tech the best vs. the one you love There are plenty of tech that you have to work with because you know they are the best tool for the …

: TwIL: if you are checking a list of passenger with a paper list, carry a pen. Surprisingly easy to …

: Interesting article (and data!) about how Lionel Messi is the greatest football/soccer player and …

: What kind of pre-automobile horse owner would ask for a faster horse?

: quietly whispers in corner CSS these days is pretty awesome and easy

: Extermely funny video of two simulated cars run by reinforcement learning agents fight over a …

: Funny mangled squirrel panorama from Central Park

: Speaking of automated panoramas. Sometimes they are pure magic like this one it created from a …

: First pic from my trip to NYC last week. This is a Google Photos automatic panorama of Manhattan …

: So frustrated with my bad BT headphones (currently on Android, dreaming of changing to special chip …

: CSS, I have no excuses for not knowing you better I am not very good at CSS, yet occasionally I need to venture into doing it and I always feel …

: My personal hot-take on foldables like upcoming Surface devices is that they are never going to be a …

: Interesting, cinnamon flavoured Coke

: Another pic from my morning walk. This sewer is a cross between something from movie “It” and the …

: Took a pic from my morning walk looking east over Lake Aulangonjärvi in Hämeenlinna, Finland

: Lately I’ve found out that I don’t really enjoy coffee. Pondering what my options are, …

: One of the things Apple really nails and doesn’t get noticed perhaps as much as it should is …

: Another note to myself: I need to collect printf-formatting cheat sheet or rather Unix command line …

: KHL ice hockey referees announce video calls with a PA system that have this Russian art film feel …

: This automatic 3D Ken Burns effect from a single image is 🤯

: I woke up at 4am for airport reasons. I feel like I only have energt to write some Linkedin updates …

: 中秋节快乐!

: Just a reminder to myself that I will write about running PlantUML some day

: Things I learn about writing software over and over again: Check and log error values you receive, …

: Apple Arcade and new iPad are both very easy buys for me

: I found this web page element pretty funny. It says: Psst! Main menu can be found here I can …

: List of leeches as of September 2019 This is my “leeches” list of Chinese characters I have hard time getting into my head …

: I will test out a lot during the following days what kind of things I want to publish here, have …

: Hello World!
