3x365 Russian Words, Day 149, Finnish "tones"

We’ve discussed Finnish short and long vowels and consonants before. Today, my spouse said that it is impossible to separate “tuuli” (wind) from “tuli” (fire) just by listening, and I promised to record a practice tape of Finnish words that are only separated by long/short sounds. Words on the audio are:

  1. tili - an account (e.g. bank, Facebook) - счёт в банке
  2. tilli - dill (the herb) - укроп
  3. tiili - a brick - кирпич
  4. tuuli - wind - ветер
  5. tuli - fire - огонь
  6. tulli - customs - таможня
  7. siili - a hedgehog - ёжик
  8. silli - herring (fish) - селёдка

Included here is a recording that has 30 randomly picked words from this set. If you want to test your Finnish listening skills close your eyes before the spoiler section:

*** Spoilers ***

Full transcript in Finnish:

Sanalista: 1. tili 2. tilli 3. tiili 4. tuuli 5. tuli 6. tulli 7. siili 8. silli Ja sitten kolmekymmentä satunnaista sanaa tältä listalta: 1. tiili 2. siili 3. tiili 4. tulli 5. tili 6. tili 7. tuuli 8. tilli 9. tuuli 10. tulli 11. tuli 12. tuli 13. tiili 14. tuli 15. silli 16. tulli 17. tulli 18. tuli 19. tuli 20. tuuli 21. tuli 22. tili 23. tili 24. siili 25. tuli 26. tili 27. siili 28. tulli 29. tulli 30. tiili
