3x365 Russian Words, Day 199, Weather(s)

We were talking yesterday about weather again. It has been four straight weeks of “helle” in Finland (streak ended up at 31 days) which was a new record again(😰) and practically no rain in Helsinki during that period 🌵.

Apparently, Finnish word for weather “sää” (also “ilma”) acts a bit differently than Russian погода or English weather. One can say: “näitä säitä” which would be “these weathers” in English i.e. one can count instances of Finnish weather.

“Suomessa päättyi tänään pitkä hellejakso. Seuraavan viikon ajan on selvästi viileämpää. Näitä säitä on mukava muistella talvella”

“Сегодня в Финляндии закончилась продолжительная жара. На следующей неделе будет явно прохладнее Эту погоду будет приятно вспоминать зимой”

“A prolonged heatwave ended in Finland today. It will be cooler next week. We will dearly miss this weather in the winter”

Words to remember by:

  1. закончиться - to finish, to end - päättyä, loppua

  2. прохладный - cool - viileä

  3. зимой - instrumental of зима, winter - talvi

outside view of the window over a hill, trees and a lot of yellowing hay and grass
