3x365 Russian Words, Day 201, Covid

There was an interesting story by Russian investigative journalist about the Covid situation in the country. What they did was that they reverse engineered country’s QR coded system of Covid report cards and deduced that 29 million Russians have had a Covid infection so far (not 6 million of the official figures). Story is in Что скрывает QR‑код. В коронавирусном реестре Минздрава 29 млн записей — в пять раз больше официального числа заболевших в России and Google Translate does a good job translating it in English.

We can pick our daily words from the story:

  1. запись - a record, an entry - tietue

  2. реестр - a register - rekisteri

  3. заболеть - to fall ill - sairastua
