Wheel of Time đź“ş, Zettelkasten đź“š Recluse Poetry

Watched Wheel of Time season 1. I have no previous contact with the series but now I am pondering if I should read it in book form or not. The series had this kind of familiar 80’s/90’s fantasy feel to it, nothing mind blowing but still the required feeling of awe was present.

Also completed Digital Zettelkasten by David Kadavy and re-started How to Take Smart Notes by Sönke Ahrens just to get more structure around my Obsidian/Zettelkasten. I have a routine now and I feel I am getting better at getting value out of my notes. I tried the foam-notes in my last customer project and it worked very well in an environment that depended on remembering a lot of details.

And finally, I completed a Finnish Collection of Chinese Recluse poets (Tao Yuanming is pretty famous). This type of poetry is counter-reaction to life as a civil servant and is about going to nature and leaving “world of the dust” behind. In a fashion, it is “great resign” centuries ago. I really enjoy the Finnish translations, but I feel next I need to go to the source somehow 🤔
