Fantasy and Sci-fi Books that I can Recommed to Anyone

For last few years I’ve mostly read fantasy and sci-fi (and will continue to do so). I collected my favourites on a single bookshelf. These books, in my opinion, can be read even if you are not into these genres, and personally, I feel that I could always just pick one of these up and re-read it again. What is your niche as a book reader, and what would be on your bookshelf?

Among Others

The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms

The Word for World Is Forest


Leena Krohn Tainaron Mail from Another City

The Player of Games

Bookshelf with: Among Others by Jo Walton, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin, Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Word for World is Tree, Tainaron by Leena Krohn, and The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks
